Chapter 11-The Wolf Returns

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Guy rode to Connor Laughlin's den. His arrival caused a commotion in the courtyard. He had brought the body of Connor Loughlin with him, and left the giant wolf on the ground for the guards to remove. Esmerelda met him on the steps, glancing at her father's body, then ordered her men to bury it. Apparently, there would be no formal ritual for the former Alpha.

"Are you here to claim your rightful place by my side, Guy of Gisborne?"  Esmerelda spit out.  Her lack of respect did not go unnoticed. He was technically the new alpha here. Not her. He walked up the steps past her, and was met at the door by Connor's brother, Patrick, a good shifter, who valued his people. Gisborne had known him for many years, and had admired how he kept Connor, who was savage, from making many mistakes, and taking many lives. 

"I would speak with you Patrick," Gisborne said, "in private." Patrick motioned him into a nearby room. "Esmerelda has informed me of Connor's death at your hands, Sir Guy. I bow to you as the new Alpha of this clan." Patrick took a deep bow.

"That is why I am here," Guy said. "I want you to take over as Alpha. Esmerelda is not fit to care for this clan, and I will deal with her in a moment. But first, I wanted to assure myself you want this job. It is not going to be easy taking over after a monster like Connor. Have you thoughts on this?" Guy was concerned. He did not want to force this on Patrick, who was a gentleman. 

Patrick smiled. "I have been running this clan for many years. The day-to-day business did not concern my brother and was left up to me. I have a group of soldiers who are loyal to me, and the few who object will be dealt with quickly. You have my word. As for Esmerelda, what did you have in mind? You know she is determined to make you hers."

Guy frowned as he walked to the door, and opening it, called for her. A servant brought her to the room in haste. She walked in, smirking, fully expecting to become a queen. 

"Esmerelda," Guy began, "your uncle will take over the clan as Alpha." Before he began his next words, she reacted. "No, he is not suited! You are the one who defeated my father. Not him! He is beneath the position! I will not have it!" Her anger made her voice shrill. 

"Silence!" Guy growled. "You will bow to your alpha or be banished immediately!" She stood mute, grabbing at her throat. The force of his words choking her, forcing her to bow to her uncle. Guy relented. He turned to Patrick. "I bestow the rank of clan alpha on you, Patrick Laughlin. Now, if you will, please allow me to address your niece." Patrick nodded his approval, and both men turned to her.

"Esmerelda, you have long been a thorn in my side, and I am done with it. You will reside here with your uncle, as long as he wishes.  If you ever set foot outside your clan's territory, or I come across anyone you have coerced or hired to do your bidding; I will kill you. If you displease him, and he banishes you, I will kill you. You were part of a plot to harm what belongs to me, and I will not tolerate it. You are only alive right now because of your uncle. Am I clear?"

Esmerelda snarled, then ran out of the room.

Guy sighed, looking to Patrick. "I am serious. She has threatened my mate. Connor died for the same reason. I will not tolerate any further insolence from her. Keep me informed of her whereabouts, and any problems you might run into with her. She has used up all my good will."

Patrick nodded his assent. There was no doubt in either man's mind there would be trouble from the woman, but hopefully they would be able to contain it.

The two men shook hands, and Gisborne left. He arrived at Wheaton Hall at dusk, and was welcomed by both Sarah and her father. Later that evening, after a very good supper, Gisborne and Sarah walked into the woods arm in arm, and discussed their plans.

"When do you think we can marry?" he asked, a bit shyly. Now that he had found his mate he was loathe to leave her side. She smiled up at him sweetly. "I suppose tomorrow would be too soon?" she kidded him. He reached down and lifted her into his arms, kissing her soundly. When he finished, she laughed, and he put her down gently. "The sooner the better, my dear. I cannot wait to have you next to me always," he told her. "I feel the same, Guy. I will speak to father. I am sure it can be arranged in the next few days. I do want a celebration for the townspeople who have worked so hard to help us settle. I have met a man who is clergy.  A Friar Tuck. He has recently settled in the woods nearby and is preparing a shrine. I am sure he will perform the ceremony for us."  Guy smiled. "Friar Tuck? I think I may know of him. By all means he should marry us." Sarah looked up to see a smirk on Guy's face. "What is it you're not telling me, Sir? I have seen that look on your face before!" Guy laughed. "Only that I am aware he is a member of a band of locals who cause problems for the sheriff. He will be fine. I look forward to meeting him personally. Come, let's go tell your father. He will have much to prepare for a party in less than a week."

And so, the ferocious Wolf of Nottingham found his mate. A home. And a pack to call his own.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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