The Search

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Gisborne and his men spent the rest of the day looking for anything that would fit the description Lady Sarah had given. They found one small dog cowering under a porch, but let it go. It certainly had posed no threat. Gisborne led the men to the encampment, but other than blood in the grass by the stream, there were no other signs of a large animal. 

As he stood looking over the scene, Gisborne's thoughts went back the Lady Sarah, begging for the wolf to be spared. He smiled. He realized one of his men was asking a question. "Yes?" he said harshly, "What is it?

"Sir Guy, are we to continue? It will be dark soon," the man enquired hesitantly. Guy shook his head, sighing. "No, head back, but keep your eyes open." He knew the sheriff would be furious if they came back empty handed, but he couldn't bring himself to take the little black dog that had wagged its tail at him, showing its belly in submission. 

When he returned, he was surprised that the sheriff did not seem to care they found nothing. He was seemingly concerned at the loss of the Wheaton estate, mumbling about all the things he would do to Sir Raymond and his 'saucy' daughter. 

On the way to his quarters, Guy ran into Marion of Knighton. Marion was staying at the castle with her father, who had taken ill. 

While he was not keen on speaking to Marion, he knew he needed to ask about her father's health issues. "How is your father, Marion?" Guy asked. Marion stopped, looking at him with that tense look she had when dealing with him. He knew she feared him, feared retribution for refusing him at the altar. Guy actually was relieved that it had happened, although it still irritated him that she did it so publicly. He was a good bit taller than she was, and she looked up at him. 

"He is better. We plan on going home tomorrow, if that can be arranged. I will need a wagon to move him. He is not strong enough to ride.  Would you be able to help with that?" she asked hesitantly. 

"Of course, I will see to it for you." Guy was actually glad she would be leaving. He felt she watched things too closely, and he suspected she was close to Robin Hood. 

Hood had been the bane of his existence for some time. He and his band were becoming more brazen in their thefts, and the sheriff expected Gisborne to find the group so he could hang them. Guy was content to let them harass the sheriff, knowing as long as they were his focus, Guy had less to worry about. He knew he could find them easily but did not want to expose himself. He would eventually have to do something, but for now he was content to watch. 

Marion touched his arm. "Thank you, Sir Guy. I am looking forward to seeing my home again. I,,,"

She stopped, seemingly unsure what to say next. She sighed. "I am sorry for my actions at the church. I know I hurt you and wish I had handled it better. I was angry and know you did not deserve to be embarrassed like that."

Guy raised an eyebrow. Surely, she was not serious! He ran a hand through his hair. "I am tired Marion. Let it go." With that he turned and left her standing there.  The girl frowned at his back. She would get no information for Robin today, apparently.

Guy entered his room, noting that his steward, Alan had been in to tidy up. He walked over to the small table next to the bed, taking off his sword and the knife at his belt, then moved to the window, his gaze taking in the summer countryside. He smiled to himself, thinking of the young woman that had accompanied her father to Nottingham. He had been drawn to her. His first contact with the girl had left an imprint on him, and he wanted to see her again.  Her eyes, so green. Her hair had gleamed in the sun. Her body, while slender, was certainly rounded in the right places. He shook his head. What possessed him to think this way? A small voice in his head laughed at his musings. He decided he would accompany Marion and her father in the morning and pay a visit to Sir Raymond and his intriguing daughter.

Later, laying on his bed, he once again saw her face. The beguiling young woman would belong to him.

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