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Tracey and Kole huddled around the computer, jaws wide open as they read the blog on the screen.

[Y/N] looked at them in disbelief, having woken up only a half hour ago from her nap.
"What." She snapped, raiding the fridge.

Tracey looked at her, "It's 12A.M., why do you look like you just woke up?"
"'Cause I did." [Y/N] replied.

"'Encased and Tokio Hotel have a heated rivalry brewing when Encased 'steals' the title of 'best new artist' at VMAs." Kole read, his voice muffled by the stuffed cereal in his mouth.

[Y/N] sighed, chugging a glass of water.
"That's stupid," She said, "We didn't 'steal' anything."

Kole shrugged, "It's a whole thing, the rivalry." He said, "We didn't even know about this, it's been a thing for months."
[Y/N] looked at the two, "Yeah."

"Also, that shoot you did?" Tracey added, "Insane, you know people are going crazy for that?"
[Y/N] waved him off, slumping onto the couch, "Yeah."

Tracey looked at her, walking over. "We're going out," He said. "Get up."
"No." [Y/N] replied.

Tracey grabbed her arm, pulling her up. "No." [Y/N] repeated.
"Yes." Tracey replied.


"I'm not happy about this." [Y/N] muttered, yawning as she held a wasted Kole up worth the help of Tracey.
Tracey smiled sheepishly, "Just because you didn't have any luck today doesn't mean you aren't going to find anyone."

"I doubt I'll find the 'one' in a club." [Y/N] scoffed, "My standards are high and you know it."
Tracey gave her a knowing look, "No, they aren't. You're in love with a narcissist."

"I'm not in love with him."


Kole interrupted him, vomiting onto the crosswalk right as they were about to cross the street.
"Oh my god," [Y/N] gagged, letting go of him. Kole stumbled, Tracey trying to keep him standing as [Y/N] tried not to throw up herself.

She absolutely hated vomit, one of her worst fears.
"[Y/N], fuck!" Tracey cursed, having Kole lean on him completely and almost falling flat on the pavement.

"[Y/N], psst."

[Y/N] jolted awake, sitting up properly in her chair as Tracey shook her shoulder gently.
"It's too early.." [Y/N] muttered, a stylist coming by and fixing her hair as she awoke.
Kole on the other hand was practically glowing, he agreed to get his hair dyed for the photoshoot.

Needless to say he was excited, and having blond hair was the perfect canvas to paint.
He was in the other chair, getting his slightly overgrown buzzcut freshly cut before having his hair dyed.

He looked over to [Y/N], "Awake? I don't know how you could fall asleep, how exciting is this?" He said, the hairstylist turning his head back.

I'D RATHER DIE THAN BE FAMOUS. [ BILL KAULITZ ] Where stories live. Discover now