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"IT'S AN HONOR TO be here tonight." [Y/N] smiled, "I see so many talented people in the audience, I'd love to congratulate all of you with an award for your hard work."
[Y/N] straightened her posture, blinking away her sleepiness before continuing, "Unfortunately, only one artist tonight will be holding this award."

The audience 'ooo'ed lowly, [Y/N] lightly laughing at their reaction.
She picked up the small envelope on the podium, grabbing the card inside and flipping it open.

Her eyes widened slightly, laughing nervously into the mic, "Congratulations 'Tokio Hotel' for 'best video'!" She announced, the familiar four immediately jumping up in their seats.
She was surprised they even made it to the award ceremony, assuming they were as tired as she was.

[Y/N] watched them hug each other, shaking the hands of those who offered. She smiled, their reaction the same as hers when she won an award.
Her smile slowly dropped, her tiredness kicking in again as she remembered Kole and Tracey were surely resting comfortably at the moment.

Bill was the first to come up the steps, his band following close behind.
He smiled widely at [Y/N] as she handed him the award, he was practically jumping up and down, mouthing a thank you before he hugged her tightly.
[Y/N] laughed, hugging him back before he pulled away to take the stand.

Georg followed, [Y/N] smiled at him, mouthing 'congratulations'. Tom and Gustav were behind him, Tom gave [Y/N] a side hug, which she returned.
Bill was practically out of breath, looking back at [Y/N]. She smiled at him, motioning for him to speak.

Bill looked back over to the crowd, and speak he did.
"I can't even begin to explain how we're feeling right now."

[Y/N] turned around, the stadium almost empty as everyone either went home to went to attend the after party.
Bill rushed to catch up to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders as they kept walking.

"You look good, congratulations." [Y/N] commented.
"For being hot or for the award?" Bill joked, laughing at his own joke as he flipped his hair over his shoulder.

[Y/N] rolled her eyes, "Can it be both?"

Bill looked surprised, but smiled bashfully.
"You're going home?" He asked, [Y/N] shrugged unknowingly.
She wasn't sure, looking at him, "I was going to." She replied.

Bill deadpanned, looking at her with half lidded eyes, "Really?"
[Y/N] laughed at his reaction, stopping before they left the venue, it was guaranteed a crowd of paparazzi was waiting for them.
"I'm tired," She explained, "Aren't you?"

Bill raised an eyebrow, "You didn't sleep?" He asked, "I slept the whole day, I'm not tired."
He did a few half-assed jumping jacks, "I can run all the way to Germany."
[Y/N] looked at him, smiling and resisting a laugh before patting his shoulder. "I'm going to run all the way to home." She replied, pulling her arms through her jacket sleeves.

The rockstar sighed heavily, "Fine," He replied, "I'll see you tomorrow."
[Y/N] smiled at him, Bill brushed past her, catching up with the rest of his band.

She suddenly looked surprised, turning around as she looked at him. "Wait, Bill," She called, but he was gone.


I'D RATHER DIE THAN BE FAMOUS. [ BILL KAULITZ ] Where stories live. Discover now