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THE CROWD WAS ABSOLUTELY huge, [Y/N] having the change to peek out and take a look behind the curtain.
The guitar she held was heavy around her shoulder, hanging by her side by the strap as she took a break doing some last minute practices.

She sat on the chair in the break room, next to Bill but far away enough to be free of his hairspray's splash zone.
Bill was in front of a mirror, fixing his hair and already halfway through his brand new bottle of hairspray.
He smiled at her, "Ready?" He asked, looking back at the mirror as he continued spraying.

[Y/N] shrugged, "I guess, I've preformed before."
Bill looked at her, putting his can down.

"You are nervous." He laughed, nudging her shoulder.
[Y/N] scoffed, "No, i've just never played guitar live.. in front of over one hundred million people."
Bill tilted his head, "You will do fine," He consoled, reaching for [Y/N]'s hand. [Y/N] looked at him skeptically, but let him, she let his words sink in.
She knew she'd be fine, she was a natural. Something, something picked at her in the back of her head. It killed her to not know what is was.

"[Y/N], you in here?" Kole's voice rang, [Y/N] quickly pulling her hand back as she turned around.
Kole came up behind them, dressed up. He wore his usual concert attire, a casual graphic tee and his favorite pants.
He was the only one who didn't put much effort into his outfit, but he got as many fans of his own dressed like he rolled out of bed.

"What?" [Y/N] asked, Bill turning his attention back to his mirror.
"You done?" Kole said, "We have to do some sound checks."

"Right." [Y/N] muttered, giving Bill a brief smile before hopping off of her chair and following Kole.
Kole bent down slightly as they walked, "So what were you two doing?" He smiled.

[Y/N] rolled her eyes at him, "Bill was just helping me with my stage fright."
"You don't have stage fright," Kole laughed, "If you did, why did you go to him and not Tracey?"

The guitarist looked at him, biting her lip nervously before turning over her shoulder to look at Bill.
His back was turned to her, but she saw his reflection in the mirror. He was concentrating on himself, working on his hair as he squinted his eyes to get it just right.
Kole was right and she hated it, why did she go to Bill?

"What?" Kole nudged her, causing her to stumble a little before she caught herself. "Cat got your tongue?"

[Y/N] glared at him, walking faster. "Or Bill's got your tongue? If you know what I mean." Kole teased, catching up to her.
"Shut the fuck up, Kole." [Y/N] replied.

Lena wasn't wrong, the crowds were absolutely filled to the brim of however large the safety code was for the maximum amount of people in one building.
[Y/N] was more than happy to give Tokio Hotel credit, if not more than half then all for the people showing up.

All shows were sold out the day the week they were announced, including this one. The third and last one in California before they traveled states.
The vicinity in which they were holding converts was limited, which meant less jet lag and more running off to clubs with a few fans for almost all the boys in the band(s).
[Y/N] wasn't one to point a finger, but she knew Kole and his newfound best friend would be gone the second they left the stage.

[Y/N] sat in front of a mirror in her own dressing room, staring straight at herself for almost 15 minutes now.
Given free time, she'd been thinking about that night with Bill at the club.
She couldn't get the image of that bright red hair out of her mind, that stupid smile, and that fucking tattoo.

She put her head down, pulling her hair as she tried to get herself to discard that image.
His green eyes, vivid and bright that she'd get lost in for hours, days.
[Y/N] looked back up, a figure behind her in the mirror, his red hair long and messy, green eyes staring right at her.

She quickly turned around in her chair, Bill staring back at her confusedly. He titled his head at her, his black hair falling onto his shoulders.
Black hair, not red. Black eyes, not green.

"Bill," [Y/N] cleared her throat, "Hi."
"Hi," The rockstar smiled back, "Are you okay? I didn't want to scared you."

[Y/N] smiled, Bill was always too sweet. She'd admit his broken English improved everyday, though when he slipped up, it was endearing.
She admired his accent as well, not faltering while his English improved, and she hoped it wouldn't.
It was also endearing, cute even.

Oh no.

"You didn't, what's up?" [Y/N] said, turning her chair around to face him as he sat on the small couch in the corner of her small space.
Bill shrugged, "Everyone is gone, they went to eat."

[Y/N] looked past him, looking at the clock hung on the wall above him.
She sighed, stepping off of her chair as she began to collect her things. "Sorry, you shouldn't have waited for me." She said.

"Really?" Bill replied, "Yes, I should have.."
"You did." [Y/N] smiled, her bag now packed as she frantically looked for her keys. "Thank you."

Bill stood up, all smiles as he held out his own car keys. "Kole took your car," He explained, "Hungry?"

I'D RATHER DIE THAN BE FAMOUS. [ BILL KAULITZ ] Where stories live. Discover now