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"LAST SHOW, I BETTER get more than three hours of sleep tonight." Tracey announced, being the first to enter the Airbnb.

"I can't guarantee that." Lena joked, handing [Y/N] the house keys.
"I'll kill myself." Tracey replied, looking at her dead in the eye before walking up the stairs, letting his suitcase loudly clunk against the steps.

"He's joking." Lena muttered, "I expect all of you up at 10 A.M."
Kole saluted, rolling his eyes once he turned around to explore the house. [Y/N] smiled, "Of course, thank you." She said.

Lena put a hand on Georg's shoulder as he was the closest one by. "Again, sorry about the budget problem. I would've rented two houses, again, something about the transaction was declined blah blah blah—"
"It's fine, Lena." [Y/N] interrupted, "Please, you should get some rest yourself."

Lena gave her a wholehearted smile, "You were always my favorite."
She finally left after laying some ground rules, [Y/N] shutting the door behind her and immediately pulling all 3 locks on the door.

"Finally." Kole yelled from the kitchen, [Y/N] turning the corner to see him ravaging the snacks they'd gotten at the gas station.

"I don't see why she didn't get us a hotel or something." [Y/N] said, taking a handful of chips from him. "L.A. is six hours away, we could've made the drive."

"The tour bus broke down." Kole said, his voice muffled by the chips stuffed in his mouth. "Also Tracey was getting carsick."
The house was silent with the exception of yelling coming from the living room, it was in German, Kole and [Y/N] exchanging looks.

"What are they saying?" [Y/N] whispered.
"I'm Russian. Not German, I don't know." Kole whisper-shouted back, "We've been friends for three years, you didn't know that?"

[Y/N] shrugged, "I don't know, I thought you knew German."
"Why the fuck would I know—"

"Dude, it is getting heated in there." Tracey interrupted, "Tom sucks at Go Fish."
Kole almost spit out what he was eating, "They're yelling over Go Fish?"

Kole got up from his seat, following Tracey. "I gotta see that."

[Y/N] stayed, taking Kole's chips as she walked into the living room, following them. Everyone was already there, Bill in the midst of kicking Gustav off of the couch while trying to claim it for himself.

"Hi." [Y/N] smiled, "What's going on?"
Tom slammed the table, "Shit! This game fucking.. Fuck!"

"Tom, we're playing Go Fish." Georg said, patting his back as Tom threw his cards on the table.
[Y/N] laughed, standing over them as she didn't see a free space to take a seat.

Bill straightened up, scooting to make space on the couch for her. "[Y/N], hi — Yeah, come sit." He said quickly, "Gustav was just.—" He kicked him, "Getting off."

Gustav looked at him, reluctantly peeling himself off to sit on the other couch.

[Y/N] was confused, but smiled at him as he walked past her.
He smiled back, [Y/N] took it as a token of acquaintanceship.

I'D RATHER DIE THAN BE FAMOUS. [ BILL KAULITZ ] Where stories live. Discover now