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"IF IT ISN'T [Y/N] Kaulitz."

[Y/N] rubbed her eyes, having woken up 20 minutes prior, tired, deprived of a good night's sleep, and not in the mood to deal with Tracey whatsoever.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" [Y/N] snapped, grabbing Kole's half full coffee mug off of his desk and chugging it for herself.
Kole didn't even react, only pursing his lips and shaking his head at loss of his coffee.

Tracey walked over to sit next to [Y/N], the two at the kitchen island and placed his laptop in front of her.
"Who's that?" He teased, a picture of the night before the headline of a gossip magazine.

A picture of Bill and [Y/N] on the balcony of the bar, the angle being taken from the street, making it seem as though they were much closer together than they were.
Bill's eyes in the picture were half-lidded, his smile slight and looking at her intently.
[Y/N] looked at the picture and back at Tracey, "Seriously?" She laughed.

Tracey shrugged, "You know what Lisa said." He said, "No—"

"No dating." [Y/N] interrupted, rolling her eyes at the stupid rule applied to her and her only.
Ever since Rowan had been kicked from the group, leaving [Y/N] no time for goodbyes, it took a toll on her to say the least.
It was a worldwide known issue, her bored and sad expressions at public events being the dead giveaway of their once public relationship.

They were the couple of the year for the little time they spent famous together, their fame only kicking off for 6 months before it got to Rowan's head.
His leave left [Y/N] crumbling, thus the 'no dating' Lisa strictly put on her.

She would flip if she saw the photo, then again she wouldn't be lying if she denied any relations other than friendship between the two.
[Y/N] didn't find herself romantically interested in Bill, sure, he was extremely attractive with the friendliest personality. — For that reason, it should be reasonable for her to find her heart beating faster around him, or to be non-reluctant when it came to leaning on his shoulder.

She took a deep breath, shaking the thought out of her mind. [Y/N] was stubborn when it came to feelings, but she wasn't stupid, she knew she'd be in trouble if she let herself fall any further.
"That face tells me everything." Tracey laughed, closing the laptop.

[Y/N] rolled her eyes, "It's just a misleading headline, the photo is normal." She replied, overall not worried about Lena's lecture on romance she was bound go receive soon.
Her phone suddenly chimed, [Y/N] pursing her lips as Tracey nodded. They both assumed it was Lena already on it.

Instead [Y/N] read Bill's name on her screen, sliding off of the kitchen island stool and walking to the living room.
Speak of the devil.

Hi [Y/N]! Tom wants to go to the club, come with?

[Y/N] scoffed lightly at his text, Bill managed to spew enthusiasm even over text.
She made sure to sit with her back against the wall, not wanting any of her pestering bandmates to see.
They didn't even know they'd exchanged numbers, [Y/N] suggested so after letting her semi-rejecting Bill eat at her for days.

Her thumbs twirled around as she thought of a response.
Maybe she should wait a few minutes before replying, she didn't want to look obsessed.

I'D RATHER DIE THAN BE FAMOUS. [ BILL KAULITZ ] Where stories live. Discover now