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[Y/N] WAS AWOKEN BY AN aggressive hand shaking her awake, she blinked rapidly to adjust her eyes to the lighting as she came to her senses.
"Where were you last night?" Tracey asked, breaking an egg on the counter and dropping it onto a pan.

[Y/N] looked around, yawning. She was at the kitchen island, still in her dress from the night before, a jacket that she didn't recognize was draped over her shoulders.
"Oh," She replied, "Out."

Tracey gave her a concerned look, "Alone?"

"No," [Y/N] replied, rubbing her eyes, "With— With Bill. I was out with Bill."
She hopped off of the stool, her feet in contact with the cold tile floor, her heels by the door.

"Oh, what were you guys doing?" Tracey asked, the sizzling from the pan intensified as the smell of eggs and bacon wafted through the kitchen.

"Hanging out." [Y/N] said, opening the fridge. She stared at its contents before looking at Tracey, concerned.
He was acting far too nicely for something to not be wrong, she feared he might've known about what happened last night.

Then again, how could he know? Surely he wouldn't be one to squeeze information out of Bill, or got word from Kole who got it from Tom.
However Kole was known to be quite the blabbermouth, chatterbox if you will.

"What did I do?" She finally asked after a moment of silence.
Tracey shrugged, lifting the pan and flipping the egg like a pancake. — A skill he thought was the coolest thing in the world.

Tracey shrugged, "Nothing just.." He looked at her briefly, "Broke down crying into Bill's arms last night."

[Y/N] rolled her eyes, disregarding her appetite and closing the fridge.
"Who told you that?" She demanded, unsure of the liability she had on Bill from then on.

Tracey brushed a few of his dreads off of his shoulder, shaking his head.
"You saw Rowan." He stated.

"Tracey, I don't wanna do this right now."

Tracey turned off the stove, turning around and looking at [Y/N], who leaned lazily on the counter.
"Then when?" He asked, "Sooner or later, you're gonna have to chose between them."

[Y/N] looked up at him, groaning and pulling herself up to stand straight. "I didn't mean to hurt Bill." She replied.
She truly felt guilty, though she supposed it was entirely her fault for not simply going to another club.
She knew what was to come, as if for a reason she wanted to see Rowan again.

[Y/N] wanted to cry at the thought, her process of finally doing better all crumbled once she saw even a glimpse of him.
In fact, simply thinking about him made her want to throw all her progress away.

"You're not hurting anyone," Tracey laughed, "That's Bill Kaulitz, he can get ten other replacements for you in an hour."

[Y/N] looked at him, confused. One minute Tracey was rooting for them, now his words made her heart twist in a way she didn't like.
Why didn't she like the idea of Bill taking interest in someone anyway?

She didn't like him.

She bit her lip at the thought, she thought about last night, the warmth that comforted her when Bill hugged her.
Something about him made her feel some type of way, and she didn't know what.

It surely couldn't be love, or even a crush. — Not with her long lasting dwelling over her ex that seemed to invade her mind all hours of everyday.

Though it seemed the fact that she wished she'd never met Bill wasn't because of the fact that he'd complicated everything, but maybe because she had feelings for him.
It was definitely that, though she stayed unknowing of the fact.

It all seemed so soon.

"What are you talking about?" [Y/N] asked, confused at Tracey's approach.

"I'm saying you're going to lose him if you don't get it figured the fuck out," Tracey added, "Bill has met hundreds of other girls like you, you're the only one with something to lose here."

[Y/N] looked at him, her expression hurt. Tracey was right and she knew it, but the realization hurt more than the actual situation.
All she could think about was how she burdened Bill with her sobbing when he was probably thinking about someone else.
Someone who wouldn't spend their time running away when they got too close.

Why did everything have to be so complicated?
[Y/N] tugged the jacket off of her shoulders and held it in one hand, all she wanted to do was go to bed and sleep forever.

[Y/N] was sprawled on her bed, hiding from the AC that Kole cranked all the way to freezing.
She was under at least 3 thick blankets, a pen in her hand as she scribbled whatever came to mind in her lyric notebook.

Her phone was on the other side of the room, she tried to keep away from media at the moment.

Humming a beat to match the newly written lyrics, she scribbled and added things as she went along.
It was a messy process, then again the song that had made Encased famous was written in the back of Tracey's car.

Suddenly, her phone rang.

Startled from the loud tune disrupting her silence, [Y/N] stared at her phone from across the room, contemplating whether or not she get up and answer.
Then again, there was a chance it could be Lena, ready to give her an earful.

Or Tracey asking for toilet paper.

Or Bill.

Sighing, she unrolled herself from the blanket burrito she was in and laid sprawled on the bed before getting up.
Sure enough, Bills contact was displayed on the screen.

Slightly frowning, [Y/N] couldn't imagine what he was about to say.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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I'D RATHER DIE THAN BE FAMOUS. [ BILL KAULITZ ] Where stories live. Discover now