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[Y/N] DIDN'T SEE HERSELF being one to frequent a club, but after telling Bill she did, she decided to live up to it.

She supposed Bill took her words to heart as he was sitting next to her on the couch in the balcony reserved for VIP.
Bill was dressed up, unlike the other night. His hair was spiky and seemed stiff to the touch, his eyes outlined with black eyeshadow and his neck and wrists decorated with multiple accessories.
He wore a dark red jacket over his own band tee, the usual tight jeans and sneakers.

[Y/N] didn't mind the company, and she certainly didn't mind making friends with someone who understood her struggles as much as someone who struggled with the same thing.

Being famous.

Still, it was all new to her. Only just now learning to accept her spot in the music industry, but besides all the nervousness and trouble accepting, it was everything she dreamed of.
All she ever wanted.

"—But you are doing good!" Bill said, smiling wholeheartedly.
[Y/N] tuned back into their conversation, nodding hesitantly. "Thank you," She replied, "I don't know, it's happening too fast."
She muffled her cough, stubbing out her cigarette as she leaned back into the couch.

Bill shrugged, "I like it," He said, "Living like this. You will too, take your time."
[Y/N] smiled, yawning as she tried to fight the tiredness that hit her. Bill's shriek woke her right up, fighting Tom's hands that tickled him.
Tom laughed, retreating as he stood behind the couch, his back to the glass door entrance.

"What're you doing?" He asked his brother, [Y/N] unconsciously tuning out their conversation as she couldn't understand it anyway.
She looked over the L.A. skyline, a clear view from the balcony.

"— And you, [Y/N]?"
Tom's voice snapped her train of thought in half, looking over her shoulder to address him.

"Hm?" She replied.
"I said that if you and Kole were.."
His voice was tuned out again, her eyes wandering behind him.

There he was, bright red hair and green eyes. His hair was up, and a hat over his head.
He looked at her for a brief second before turning back around, now with no hair to cover it, there it was.
On the back of his neck, a tattoo identical to hers.

[Y/N] almost gasped, her breathing increasing rapidly before turning back around.

Bill put a hand on her shoulder, looking at her worriedly. "[Y/N], are you okay?" He asked, his hand trailing down to her lower back as he awaited an answer.
[Y/N] looked at him, nodding as she got up. "I'm fine," She said quickly, "I have to go."

Bill looked surprised, "Oh okay," He replied, Tom waving as [Y/N] hurriedly grabbed her jacket and walked off.
Tom and Bill exchanged looks, Tom taking her spot on the couch. "Was it something I said?"

"I'm too tired." Kole groaned, running a hand over his head as he fought the vicious migraine from the night before.
[Y/N] only nodded slowly, pulling her hood over her head as she laid back down on the couch.

She was still stuck thinking about the other night,  two nights ago to be exact.
She tried to find strength to tell Tracey and Kole about it, but she already knew Kole would be upset she waited so long to tell them.
While [Y/N] was deniably in love with him, Rowan was still someone to all three of them. She wasn't the only one that missed him, some more than others.

Tracey didn't miss him at all.

The three were in their label's studio, 7A.M. on a Monday. It was much too early for any of them to truly process the news, especially Kole.
They were announcing a tour, rather it was already announced.

Their management insisted they work on promotion immediately, photo shoots, ads, and more merchandise.

Though the three almost woke right up when a familiar group walked through the door, joining them in the large break room.
Kole smiled as Tom greeted him with a handshake and side hug, they seemed close —Though Bill did mention they were talking.

Tokio Hotel seemed just as sleepy and tired as the three. Bill was free of any hairspray and makeup, in sweatpants and a large T-shirt, holding an energy drink in his hand.
There were other two bandmates he trailed behind, [Y/N] had seen them, recognizing one that Tracey had pointed out on T.V.

Georg Listing, though his long hair wasn't down like usual, instead pulled in a messy low ponytail.
A blond followed behind him, he was the only one who seemed truly awake.

He had a kind face, short blond hair and the only one wearing a socially acceptable outfit, [Y/N] smiled at him as he entered.
"I've mentioned you'd have an opening act for this tour," One of the managing staff added, "Specifically to give you more time offstage to practice, [Y/N]. Still, an opening act could bring more people to the show."

[Y/N] sat up once she felt the other end of the couch dip, Bill sitting next to her, his eyes half lidded.
Tom sat next to him, looking at him knowingly as he kept a hand pinching Bill's arm to keep him from falling asleep.

"I assume you haven't met," Their manager, Lena, said, "I trust you'll be nice, Tracey. I'll leave you seven kids to it."
Lena checked her wristwatch, "I've got to get the shoot ready, you three sit tight."
She looked at Kole specifically, exiting the room.

"What'd I do?" Kole frowned, sitting down in the little space between Bill and [Y/N]. Bill hurriedly scooted over before he was sat on, Kole sat comfortable as he leaned onto her shoulder and dozed off.
[Y/N] didn't react, only nudging him as she tried to drift into whatever little time she had to sleep.

She couldn't so easily though, only now registering the fact that Tokio Hotel would be the opening act for their U.S. tour.
She hoped it'd be fun, certainly for Kole as he and Tom sat on the other couch, laughing and hitting each other as they did.

She wished she could guarantee it'd be as fun for her.

I'D RATHER DIE THAN BE FAMOUS. [ BILL KAULITZ ] Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ