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"THAT IS SO NOT fair." [Y/N] said, placing her glass on the coffee table.

She'd certainly made herself comfortable, her upper back against the armrest of the couch as she laid down.
She'd gone up to the balcony to seek peace, two or three others chatting it away quietly at the railing. Although, the balcony was rather large combined with the loud muffled music, their conversations weren't a bother.

Kole was on the arm chair next to her, and the reason she could drink that night, being of legal drinking age, he slipped [Y/N] quite a few glasses.
"All's fair in love and Egyptian war, baby." Kole shrugged, leaning back on the couch.

"That's a stupid game." Tracey commented. It was rare for the three of them to be in the mood to go to the club at the same time, moreover it was rare for [Y/N] to want to go with them.
Tracey sat next to [Y/N], her legs over his as she laid down.

[Y/N] yawned, leaning her head back. She spotted a tall figure behind her, his smile wide and all too familiar.
"You're upside down." [Y/N] said, Bill laughing and waving.

"Hi Billy boy." Tracey smiled, scooting over to let him sit next to [Y/N].
Bill laughed, "Hello." He replied in a sing songy voice, sitting down.

"We're playing cards." Kole said, leaning forward as he reached to shuffle the deck. "Where's Tom?"
Bill shrugged, "Downstairs, he's with some girls." He said, leaning into the couch.
Kole placed the deck on the table, "Say no more." He smiled, getting up.

[Y/N] looked at him, "Where are you going?"

Kole looked at her as if she were an idiot, "Tom? Girls? Come on, I'm taking the bait," He replied, running a hand over his head, "Do i look good?"

"Beautiful." Tracey replied.
Kole pointed at him, a hand on his heart as he walked away slowly.
[Y/N] looked at him with a disgusted expression, "Please leave." She said, looking away from him.

Kole flipped her off, leaving the area.
"I didn't expect you tonight." [Y/N] said, looking at the usually spiky-haired singer.
She was starting to see him more with his hair down than in spikes, and that night was one of those occasions.

Bill pulled his sunglasses off, letting them rest on his head, his hair down and dressed comfortably. "I thought I would find you here." He shrugged, smiling at her.
[Y/N] titled her head at him, "Is this what you meant by 'see you tomorrow'?"

"It's tomorrow," Bill said, "I'm seeing you."
Tracey whipped his head around, looking at them.
Bill looked at him, and back at Bill, "Not seeing you— I'm looking at you, but not see—"

"I know what you meant." [Y/N] laughed, Bill looking at her with an apologetic expression.
Tracey yawned, pulling out his phone to check the time, "I'm tired." He said.

[Y/N] looked at him, "That's a first."
Tracey rolled his eyes, throwing his dreads over his shoulder, "It's practically sunrise time right now." He muttered, texting away on his phone.

"So text me." The guitarist said, shrugging. Bill nodded slowly, "Right.." He said.

"Right.." [Y/N] repeated.

I'D RATHER DIE THAN BE FAMOUS. [ BILL KAULITZ ] Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu