Chapter 14: Family

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Authors note:  The photo above is a visual of what her mother looks like, so I hope you find it helpful <3 Not much to say accept I hope you enjoy this chapter! And thank you for being so patient with me :)


'Her mother?!' gasped Jacob. All the other wolves seem unsettled too. 

Jasper's eyes were ones of shock and curiosity. His golden eyes glowing in the dim light. 

The rain was drizzly and it made the vampires hair stand out more than usual. 

'But that's not all...' said Edward. 

Everyone once again waited for him to continue.

'She wants to turn her and kill us all' said Edward, dramatically. 

Esme looked at Carlise, her eyes full of worry. Carlise held her hand, comforting her.

'But why?' asked Esme, confused. 

'She see's us all as a threat and that we've taken her away from her real family' said Edward.

The wolves looked like they were all contemplating something. 

'But she was the one that abandoned her!' cried Jacob. 'She's thought she was dead most of her life, I'm not sure how she's going to take this' said Jake.

'Unless we don't tell her at all' said Jasper. 

Jake raised his eyebrows at this. 'Oh yes, of course lying to her is the best plan!' exclaimed Jacob, sarcastically. 

'Maybe Jasper is right' cried Sam, who got a certain look of Jacob.

'The truth is important but maybe we need to know more before we think about discussing this with her' said Carlise, in half agreement. Everyone nodded their heads. It seems it was decided. They were going to wait a little while before telling her. Maybe it was for the best, Jacob thought. They were all about to go their separate ways when Edward put his arm out, alarming them. 

'Wait!!' exclaimed Edward suddenly. 

'She's here, I can hear her thoughts' said Edward. Alice gasped and went out of the vision she was in. All of them caught the scent of this mystery vampire. 

She was quite small but taller than Alice, her hair was black as the night but luminous. Her eyes were round and blood red. Trickles of dried blood marked the corners of her mouth. She moved as if she was walking on air, quickly and almost silent. She stared at the scene before her and the wolves growled. She smirked at their reaction. 

'Hello, I suppose you've all been waiting for me. Wanting to talk' said Helena. Her voice was strong and seductive. 'I thought I'd save you to trouble of having to chase me for another few weeks. I'm Helena' said Helena, proudly. 

Carlise stepped forward slowly, once again only wanting a sense of peace. 'I'm Carlise, it's nice to meet you' said Carlise, kindly. 

'I believe your all in my daughters life' said Helena, coldly. No one moved or reacted to her words. But Jacob let out a small growl. And she noticed Jasper's eyes widening. 

'Ah the wolf and the vampire. My daughter sure loves the two of you, doesn't she!' cried Helena, mocking them. Jasper tried his best not to show his emotions. While Jake was having a hard time trying to control them. Then he felt a strange sense of calm, he looked towards Jasper who nodded slightly. At first Jake was confused and then he was thankful. That was the first time Jasper had gone out of his way to be kind to him. 

'But she's mine. She's my daughter. And as she's needed you before, now that she has me. She doesn't need any of you anymore' said Helena, her voice becoming darker. 

Fire and Ice - Jacob x reader x JasperWhere stories live. Discover now