Last Author's Note and then TAADAA

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Welp, I hate to say this, but this is the last author's note for this story. Chapter 13 will be the last chapter, and the reason for that being, this story has been weight on my shoulders for a long time (since mid January!!!) and I'm just ready to move on, BUT this DOES NOT MEAN I will not be posting stories!!! I have a couple more x Reader's I plan on making, PLUS a few other random fanfictions thrown in there. You guys have been so kind with all the reads, likes, comments, and what not. I mean, 10.9K reads!??!?!?! You guys are amazing!!!!!! I love you all so much and can't wait to write more for you in the future.

I hope you have an amazing summer my beautiful rosebuds (calling y'all my "rosebuds" from now on >w<) and I hope you all stick with me until the end of Chapter 13. Love y'all <3

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