Authors Note :D!!

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I AM AT A LOSS FOR WORDS!! You're all amazing people!! 

I have to highlight this one comment that made me crack up to the point of crying at 12 AM~

"Am I the only one that thought this was gonna be about cake or something instead of a roller coaster of feels?" said by @TheDangerWolf

Dude, that was seriously funny!! Apparently, I'm good at writing feel-sy type stories. Speaking of stories and such, the next chapter should be up sometime tomorrow or Monday. Also, what do you guys want to see from me? I'm actually getting active here on Wattpad, and I need some Five Hour Energy for story ideas. Do you wanna more ____XReaders, creepypastas, shipping stories, more feel-sy stories? Comment, request, follow, what ever you feel!

EVERYONE GETS COOKIES!!! I CAN'T THANK YOU ALL ENOUGH!!! *tackle hugs each and every one of you*

Chapter 6 is coming very soon!!! 


Chapter 6 should be coming out in few hours. I apparently already have some of it done, so 2, you heard me right, 2 chapters might be uploaded to day :D!!!! The first one (Chapter 6) is a bit more about your past and stuff, and the second one (chapter 7) is more fluffiness because I keep having these weird dreams about this story and it actually helps with ideas. BUT ANYWAY! You guys are amazing! Don't forget to comment, vote, watch, whatever you wanna do, just keep doing it. BUT DO IT AWESOMELY! (And I'm pretty sure that won't be a problem with you guys ;D)

UPDATE 2 ON THIS NOTE (because I'm lazy and don't feel like making a new one)~

SWEET HOLY BABIES!! 386 READS, 46 FAVORITES, AND 34 COMMENTS!! 386 reads, guys. I know that is like the fifteenth time I've said it, but I love you guys to the moon and back. You're all super-duper amazing and deserve all the support I can give you guys. Oh and HEY! Chapter 7's finally up!! That one's more marshmellow fluff than feels, but I'm not saying there's not going to be anymore feels. But I wanna share somethings about your back story as a character in this story.

~You're 14 like Hiro

~ You're in SFIT because you got a job as the guidance counselor there, so you decided to take some robotics classes and are passing with flying colors.

~ Your parents are dead. Both murdered when you were around 6 years old. You managed to escape and get your brother, Jonah out before they could get you, but have PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) as a result. 9And that actually plays a huge part in upcoming chapters)

~ You have a crush on Hiro really badly, but you don't have the guts to tell him.

~ Jonah was an addict. He was addicted to achol and would spend his money on drinks and not food or other nessacary items even though he was supposed to as your legal guardian. He died in an accident envolving him colliding with a truck whilst he was drunk.

~ You and Jonah lived on the streets for around 4 years. You survived because of your strengh and power, while Jonah survived as the theif and sacvanger. You still went to school, along with Jonah, but never got a real home.

~ Your flashbacks can be good. Sometimes. Others, not so much. Espically when you're sleeping.

That's about it! I hope you have a good day/night, and keep your eyes open for chapter 8!!

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