Chapter 5- Bitter Sweetness

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Your P.O.V-

It had been only two days since I smacked my head really hard. I’m ok now, thanks to Baymax and Hiro. Hmmm…. Hiro’s really sweet. I noticed I was staring at him at lunch, but I quickly looked away and blushed. (Y/n), Master of Stealth!! Everyone else was going on about robots and some guy named Tadashi, so scooted down towards Hiro. He acted like he didn’t notice what I did, but I’m pretty sure he did. Unless he didn’t. Oh well. He looked depressed about something. If anyone knew how to cope with depression, it’s me. I’m one of the youngest therapists, and was my high school's Guidance Counselor and Grief Counselor in my old high school. I had taken special classes at a college before, but then it happened. I was here to learn robotics. My cheery face turned into a worried and serious face, and it was directed right at Hiro. “Hiro, are you ok?” I asked. No response. “Hiro?” I had walked to sit next to him. Still no response. “Hir-” I started, but was cut off. Hiro had turned to face me and gave me one of the saddest hugs I’ve received. I’ve received a lot of hugs in my work, but this one was full of pure sadness and something I hadn’t felt in a hug ever; guilt. Hiro was silently crying in my shoulder, so I thought I would return the hug to try to comfort him. “Hiro, it’s ok. What’s wrong?” I asked with a concerned voice. Hiro was my friend, and I hated seeing friends sad and depressed. It kills me, actually. Hiro stood up and grabbed my hand and started walking towards his little office in the lab part of the campus. He sat down in on the little couch, and I took the spinny chair, a clipboard and a pen. Baymax was there too, sitting next to me. I did what I was trained to do with this situation; I asked questions. “Hiro, what’s wrong?” I asked, clicking the so the point would come out of the end to write down his answers. Hiro’s face was red with embarrassment. “(Y/n), I’m so sorry. About all this.” he said, wiping his eyes with his sleeve. I have to admit it. That killed me. It literally killed me to see him like this. I couldn’t stand it. “Shh… It’s ok. You can tell me.” I said, walking the chair over towards Hiro. I put my hand on his shoulder. Hiro looked up and forced a smile. “I-it’s Tadashi.” he stammered, hanging his head. I raised my eyebrow in confusion. “Who’s Tadashi? Was he a family member of yours?” I asked, writing down his responses. “Yeah…. He was my brother. This was his office. Baymax was his creation. Those are his friends. But now,....” he cut himself off, closing his eyes in a pain I know all too well. Depression, grief, sadness. I couldn’t stand it. A part of me hated Hiro for putting himself through this. That was really small part though. “What happened? Did he….” I had to say it. Go on. (Y/n), you can do it. Just say it! “....die?” I choked out. Hiro just sadly nodded. I stopped. I stopped what I was doing, and leaned in to Hiro. I gave him the biggest hug I possibly could without squeezing him to death. And I did something I was taught to absolutely never do; cry. I was taught no matter what the problem, story, or who the person was. But I broke that rule. Sorry , college degree! This is my friend, and I know his pain better than any pain in the world. I kept talking about the incident that made me and my brother move to San Fransokyo. My parents, well, our parents, are dead. Not just dead, murdered. My brother was responsible enough to keep an eye on me and him, so we moved near our grandparents in San Fransokyo. Yep. Anyways. I was still a blubbering mess. Hiro looked up at me. “Are you ok?” he asked, as if the roles were switched. I shook my head in response. Hiro kissed the top of my head to comfort me. My (e/c) waterworks stopped working as Hiro slowly lifted his head from the top of mine. I could tell he was blushing really hard, but then again, so was I. My heart fluttered and I swear, my heartbeat picked up the pace, because I feel it in my chest. I can’t have feelings for Hiro…. I can’t! Can I? I think I might. But, that’s not possible….


Hiro’s P.O.V-

I sat down at the lunch table, my usual chipper self, but then Go Go got on the topic of Tadashi. I sighed, but no one really took notice of it. They all continued to talk about the good times they had with him. I really missed him. He was my brother. I saw (y/n) walk over and take a seat next to Honey Lemon. She stayed there for awhile, but then moved closer to me. “Hey Hiro, are you ok?” she asked. It really hurt when she asked because it weird having her care when she wouldn’t understand who I was talking about if I told her. But there was something in her voice that I hadn’t heard in someone who asked if I was ever ok; care, reassurance, love. By that time I had put my head down and just sorta, cried. Then I felt something, or more or less, someone on my shoulder. “Hiro, what’s wrong?” she asked again, but I still gave her no response. “Hir-” I cut her off by doing something that surprised even me, more or less her. I leaned over and just flung myself into her arms. I was probably red as a fire truck and my cheeks burned like fire, but I didn’t care. I cried into her shoulder. I felt really embarrassed, but I couldn’t help it. I dried my eyes and grabbed (y/n) hand and took off towards the nerd lab. She took the spinny chair by the desk, and I flopped onto the couch. She looked so professional with the clipboard and pen. Haha. I was still sort of crying, but I was trying my best not to. She was asking questions about Tadashi, who he was, what happened to him, those things. I’ve been to a lot of grief counselors after what happened, but none of them had the same expression and care (y/n) had. Her concerned voice really hurt. “Did he…. Die?” she asked. I nodded my head slowly. She stopped, and slowly put her head in her hands, and cried. She must have lost someone important too, she was pretty upset. Like I’ve said before, I think that I have feelings for (y/n), and seeing her like this, it it it…. It killed me. I winced and walked up to her. “(Y/n)?” I asked. No response. I put my hand on her shoulder. “Are you ok?” Still no response. I gathered all the courage I could and gently kissed the top of her head. My cheeks burned like fire again, but I didn’t care. I lifted my head and looked at her (e/c) eyes. I smiled. I was still blushing really hard. I’d love to tell her how I felt, but I don’t have that courage yet. Yet.

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