Chapter 10- Candles

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Your P.O.V-

I was still smiling when Hiro opened the door for me when we returned to the cafe. I don’t think I stopped smiling once, to tell you the truth. I think that I must’ve REALLY made Hiro happy because his big brown puppy dog eyes shone like sparkly gems. Whatever I did, I’m glad I did it. Hiro’s smile is adorable, especially with his little gap. I must have been staring at him because he gave me that “What the heck are you doing?” type of look. I stopped and blushed. “S-sorry….” I said with a bit of a laugh. Hiro just smiled. I swear, we stood like that for about 20 minutes until there was this loud clap of thunder outside, making the power go out. I’m pretty sure I nearly screamed. I pulled out my phone. “Wish I would have charged this thing earlier….” I said, looking at the 20 percent of battery left in the corner. Hiro laughed a bit at my forgetfulness and went and grabbed some candles from the drawer in the kitchen. Aunt Cass ran upstairs with a candle of her own, with Mochi and Mangle tagging along. “Are you two ok? Do you need anything?” she asked. I really like Aunt Cass (she lets me call her that instead of  Ms. Cass. “Sounds too formal for me.” she would say with a laugh.) I laughed a bit. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure we’re ok. Other than the fact that the thunder scared the heck out of me, I’m fine.” I said, holding the candle close to my face, but not close enough to burn anything. “Ok. If you need anything, I’ll be down in the cafe.” she said, walking back down. Me and Hiro just kinda stared at each other for another what felt like 20 minutes, listening to thunder and watching the lightning strike out the windows until there was another loud crash. It wasn’t thunder though. It sounded like someone was inside the apartment. This time, I did scream, but I promptly covered my mouth. Hiro ran upstairs to see what it was. I cautiously trailed behind. I laughed when I saw that it was only Baymax bumping into things in the dark. “It is very dark.” Baymax said, looking down on me and Hiro. “Baymax, you nearly gave me a heart attack!” I said, still giggling up a fit. “I am equipped with defibrillators in my hands.” he said, rubbing them together. “No no no, it’s an expression you say when someone scares you real badly.” I said, pushing his hands down, away from my perfectly normal heart. Hiro was still smiling at me and Baymax’s antics about heart attacks. I leaned over and whispered to Hiro. “I was close to getting my heart shocked. If I wanted that, I could stood outside with a metal pole.” I said with a sarcastic laugh. Hiro laughed a bit too. We walked up to our room and grabbed fuzzy blankets then walked back downstairs. I wrapped myself up in my blanket as sat down on the couch. “Sit.” He said, and patted on the cushion next to him. I smiled. “Okie dokie, artichokie!” I half said, half laughed. Instead of “ok” or something, I saw that. It always makes everyone laugh or smile. Hiro laughed. “(Y/N), that’s a tongue twister. But it’s funny.” he said, still smiling. “Artichokie…. Where do you come up with these things?” he mumbled to himself, still sort of laughing. I curled up next to Hiro on the couch, pushing my (H/C) hair out of my face. I blew out my candle. Hiro looked at me. “Now it’s dark again. And I lost the matches….” he said, blushing. I chuckled. “Oops. At least it’s quiet. And peaceful….” I said with a smile. I snuggled up closer to him. I couldn’t stop smiling. As long as I’m with Hiro, I don’t think I ever will.


Hiro’s P.O.V-

When we got back to the cafe, I opened the door for (Y/N). Hey, I gotta be a good friend. Even though I wanna be more than a friend. Wait, I didn’t say that out loud, right? Anyways, (Y/N) was staring at me with those pretty (E/C) eyes. I looked at her and gave her that “What the heck are you doing?” look, but in a good way. Her cheeks turned pink. “S-sorry….” she said. We hadn’t been paying attention to the weather when there was a loud crash of thunder, and bam! The power went out. Great. Just what I needed right now. “Wish I had charged this thing earlier….” (Y/N) said. I laughed and led her to the kitchen. I grabbed some candles and a couple matches, lighting the candles for some light. I heard someone coming upstairs so I turned to see who it was. It was Aunt Cass coming upstairs to make sure we were ok. “Are you two ok? Do you need anything?” she asked. (Y/N) talked about the thunder scaring her, but we were fine. I think. “Ok. If you need anything, I’ll be down in the cafe.” she said, walking back down. I stared at (Y/N), and (Y/N) stared back at me for what like an eternity. I’d love to spend eternity with (Y/N). What? Me? Have a crush on (Y/N)? Heh, no…. Yes. We stayed like that until there was a loud crash upstairs that made (Y/N) scream. I ran upstairs to see what it was, with (Y/N) sheepishly trailing behind. Couldn’t blame her, though. I was scared too…. Me and (Y/N) both laughed when we saw Baymax bumping into everything in the darkness. “It is very dark.” he said. “Baymax, you nearly gave me a heart attack!” (Y/N) said, still laughing, only it turned to cute little giggles. “I am equipped with defibrillators in my hands.” Baymax said while rubbing them together. (Y/N) ot a look of surprise. “No no no, it’s an expression you say when someone or something scares you real badly.” she said. I laughed under my breath at their antics over this, but it happened to me too. I’ve learned my lesson to say that I nearly had heart attack around Baymax…. (Y/N) leaned over to me and whispered. “I was close to getting my heart shocked. If I wanted that, I could stood outside with a metal pole.” she said with a sarcastic laugh. I laughed a bit too. She wouldn’t actually think of doing that, right? We walked up to our room and grabbed some fuzzy blankets and then walked back downstairs. I covered myself in my blanket and sat down on the couch. “Sit.” I said to (Y/N) and put my hand on the spot next to me. “Okie dokie, artichokie!” (Y/N) said. I laughed. “Artichokie…. Where do you come up with these things?” I mumbled, still sorta laughing. (Y/N) is funny in her own ways. (Y/N) sat down next to me and blew out her candle. “Now it’s dark. And I lost the matches….” I said, blushing out of embarrassment. (Y/N) giggled. “Oops. At least it’s quiet. And peaceful….” she said before snuggling up next to me closer. I like snuggling with (Y/N). I closed my eyes. If I was gonna get anything out of this peace and quiet, it’s gonna be some sleep. And snuggling with (Y/N). Lots of snuggling with (Y/N).

Sweet Kisses (Hiro x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin