Chapter 9- Rollerblades?

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Authors note~ So so so so so sorry for such a long wait for this!! Uh, (f/cl) means 'favorite cereal'. You need it twice, if I can remember correctly. There's some fluff for your guys liking to make up for that little thing on the Authors note earlier. Heh ^^;. Anyways, enjoy

Your P.O.V-

My eyes opened to a bright room. Hiro was still in the same position as last night. I snuggled up closer because I felt protected around him. I have no idea why or how, but I do. Hiro shushed me and kissed the top of my, causing me to blush really hard. It was Saturday, so we could sleep in as long as we wished. I smiled. It was nice feeling being protected, for once.


When woke up again, I was pretty hungry. My stomach must have been pretty loud. “Hungry?” Hiro asked as I opened my eyes. I nodded. “Common. I’ll get you something.” he said as I sat up and stretched. I stood and stretched again, nearly reaching the ground in a back bend. It felt really good, to be honest. I stood back up to see Mangle in front of me. His tail was wagging like helicopter blades. I smiled and knelt down to him. “Heya!” I said, scratching behind his ears. Hiro called me down from downstairs. I stood up again and walked down the stairs. “Yeah?” I asked. Hiro smiled and pointed to the cabinets. “There’s cereal in that cupboard and bowls in the one next to it. Milk’s in the fridge.” he said, turning on the TV. I grabbed a box of (f/cl) and some milk. I took a seat next to him. “I like this show!!” I said, shoving a spoonful of (f/cl) in my mouth. “Ok.” Hiro said, pulling me closer to him. Mochi and Mangle jumped up on the couch, too. I smiled. It wasn’t too hard getting used to living with Hiro. He was my best friend after all. Baymax came down the stairs. “Hello Hiro and (Y/N)!” he said, waving. I smiled and waved. “Heya, Baymax! How are you?” I asked, shoving another spoonful into my mouth. “I am doing good. What about you, (Y/N) and Hiro?” he said, first looking at me and then at Hiro. “I’m good. Hiro?” I said, elbowing Hiro, who hadn’t been paying attention and nearly dropped his cereal bowl in surprise. “Yeah, I’m good.” he said, regaining the balance of his cereal bowl on his lap. “You have been good, (Y/N) and Hiro.” Have lollipops!” he said, handing us red cherry flavored lollipops. “Aww, thanks!” I said, stuffing the lollipop in my pocket for later. Baymax looked down at Mangle and Mochi. “Hello, Mangle! Hello, Mochi! How are you?” he asked like they could talk. I laughed a little bit. Once me and Hiro finished our cereal, I took the dishes out to the sink to rinse them out, even though Hiro said he would do it. “Remember, Hiro. I owe you big.” I stated, matter-of-factly. Hiro pouted and stood up. “Fine. But just this once.” he said with a little bit of a laugh. I smiled. “Ok. Only once.” I said, rinsing out the dishes. Hiro stood against the wall next to me. “So what are we gonna do today?” I asked, drying my hands on the towel next to the sink. Hiro shrugged. “I dunno. I could show you around the city, maybe?” he said, walking over to me. I smiled. “That sounds fun. I have a question, though.” I said. Hiro lifted his head up a bit. “What’s that.” he asked. “Could you maybe show me the basics of robotics and that stuff? You’re a genius with it, so I thought I would talk to you and the others before anyone else.” I said, slightly rocking back and forth. Hiro’s smile widened, exposing the gap in his front teeth. I have no idea how I never saw that before. It was actually pretty cute, if you ask me. Hiro nodded at least five hundred times before stopping. “Of course, (Y/N)! That would be awesome! One thing first.” he said. I stopped smiling and looked up at him with a worried look. “What’s that?” I asked cautiously. Hiro ruffled my (h/c) hair. “Show what was so important about those rollerblades you took before we left.” he said, crossing his arms across his chest with a smirk. My rollerblades! I almost forgot I took those! I nodded. “Sure! Go get dressed, first. You’ll love this.” I said, jumping up the steps to get my jeans and (f/c) hoodie, not mention my rollerblades. I smiled and walked back downstairs. “Do you know any empty parking lots around here?” I asked before walking up to him. He thought about it for a couple of seconds. “Yep! Follow me.” he said, grabbing my hand along with Baymax’s giant marshmellow log and walked out the door with us in tow. 10 minutes later, we were at this old, abandoned parking lot. I smirked. “Perfect.” I said before walking up to the entrance of the garage. Hiro and Baymax followed behind me. I was already putting my rollerblades on when Hiro walked up to me. “Alright, (Y/N). What’s so amazing about these things?” he asked, staring at them as I stood up. “Ready to get your mind blown?” I said with a smirk. Hiro nodded as I got ready to take off. Hiro looked at me. I saluted off, and the nitro boosters let out a line of blue fire behind me, letting me go rocket speed all the way to the top of the garage, and leaving Hiro in the dust (again). I stopped and speed down again, only to stop in front of an awe-struck Hiro. I threw my head back and laughed. “Cool, huh?” I said through my laughter. Hiro’s jaw was on the floor. “Nitro boosters?! Where did you get those?! Where did you get these rollerblades in general?!” he said with a serious, yet excited look on his face. I giggled. “I’m in robotics, so the first thing I made were upgrades to my rollerblades. I added nitro boosters! I got them from the professor. He liked the idea, so I got some and worked really hard on these things. They’re really fun!!” I said, rolling over to Hiro. He smiled. “Wow…. Pretty and smart….” he muttered under his breath. “Hiro, your blood pressure has gone up and your heart is beating faster by 2% percent.” Hiro looked at Baymax. “Shhh, Baymax!” he said, pushing him away. “My diagnosis is you are experiencing lo-” Baymax started to say before Hiro cut him off. “SHHHH!!” he said, blushing really hard. I smiled and giggled a little bit as I took off my skates and started to put my (f/c) high top converse back on. I walked over to Hiro, who looked really embarrassed. I smiled and put my arm around him. “We should get going back.” I said, starting to walk with Hiro still next to me. I took my arm away and let it hang loose. I smiled. “What are we gonna do next today?” I asked and looked at Hiro. He shrugged. “Ok.  We’ll think of something, I’m sure!” I said with happiness. Hiro nodded. “You ok?” I asked, looking at Hiro. Hiro grabbed my hand. “I am now….” he muttered. He was blushing really hard, but then again, so was I. I smiled and moved closer to him, which made him smile. I loved it when he smiled. His smile was really cute. We walked like that all the way back to the cafe.


Hiro’s P.O.V-

(Y/N) stirred the next morning. I shushed her and kissed the top of her head, causing her to move closer next to me. We fell back asleep for a bit more, then we both woke up. (Y/N)s’ stomach grumbled. “Hungry?” I asked groggily. She nodded as I stood up. “Common. I’ll get you something.” she nodded again as I walked down to the kitchen. I made myself a bowl of cereal and turned on the TV. I started to scroll through the channels when (Y/N) walked down stairs with a confused look as she walked over to the cabinets. I laughed and pointed at one of the cupboards. “Cereal is that cabinet, bowls are in the ones next to it. Milk is in the fridge.” I said as she made herself some cereal. Mangle came down the stairs, followed by Mochi and Baymax. (Y/N) sat down next to me. “I like this show!” she said with a smile and laugh, so I kept it on. I liked it too. “Ok.” I said with a smile, pulling her closer. I hope she doesn’t mind. I feel like I have to protect her, ya know. Mangle and Mochi jumped up on the couch and sat down. I was paying more attention to the TV when (Y/N) elbowed me, making me nearly drop my cereal. “How are you doing, Hiro?” her voice rang. ‘Yeah I’m good.” I said, trying to balance my cereal bowl back on my lap. “You’ve been good, (Y/N) and Hiro. Have lollipops!” Baymax chimed, handing me and (Y/N) red lollipops. “Awww, thanks Baymax!” (Y/N) said with a smile. I just smiled showing off the little gap in my teeth. I finished my cereal and (Y/N) took them to the sink to wash them. “I’ll do it, (Y/N).” I said, starting to get up but she refused. I pouted. “Fine. But just this once.” I said with a laugh. I leaned against the wall near the sink. “So what are we gonna do today?” she asked. “I dunno. Maybe I could show you around the city. maybe?” I said as I walked over to (Y/N). She smiled. “That sounds fun. I have a question, though.” (Y/N) said. I lifted my head up a bit. “What’s that.” I asked. “Could you maybe show me the basics of robotics and that stuff? You’re a genius with it, so I thought I would talk to you and the others before anyone else.” she said, slightly rocking back and forth. My smile widened, exposing the gap in my front teeth. She probably think that look really weird. I nodded at least five hundred times before stopping. “Of course, (Y/N)! That would be awesome! One thing first.” I said. (Y/N) looked worried. “What’s that?” she asked nervously. I felt bad. “Show me what’s so important about those rollerblades you took before we left.” I said, smiling. I crossed my arms across my chest. (Y/N) ‘s face loosened up a bit. “Sure! Get dressed first. You’re gonna love this.” she said, running up the stairs. I smiled and blushed. But not of embarrassment. My face was pink. I smiled and rubbed the back of my head. I ran upstairs and got dressed.

 (Y/N) walked downstairs. “You know any empty parking lots around here?” she asked. I was puzzled, but I did know of one around here. “Yep! Follow me.” I said, nodding. I grabbed Baymax’s and (Y/N) hands. We bolted out the door towards where I knew the parking lot was.

“Perfect.” she said, crossing under the gate and started to put on the rollerblades. I walked up to her. “Alright. What’s so amazing about these things?” I asked. She had her rollerblades laced up and was rolling around just a bit to get used to being a couple centimeters off the ground while being on wheels. Baymax stood behind me and blinked. “Ready to have your mind blown?” (Y/N) said with a smirk. I nodded as she got ready to take off. I looked at (Y/N) (E/C) eyes as she saluted off. A train of blue fire blew out from behind her rollerblades as she took off up the spiraling garage, all the way to the top. My jaw hit the floor when she came back down to where Baymax and I were standing. She threw  her head back laughed. I liked her laugh. It was a loud, yet controlled laugh. One that you could listen to for hours and not get annoyed by it. “Cool, huh?” she said with a smile. “Nitro boosters?! Where did you get those?!” I said with excitement mixed with a bit of caution. Where is (Y/N) getting this stuff from? (Y/N) voice rang as she told me how she got them. “Wow…. Pretty and smart….” I said under my breath. (Y/N) smiled as she took off the rollerblades off and put her shoes back on. “Hiro, your blood pressure has gone up and your heart is beating faster by 2% percent.” Baymax said behind me. “Shhh, Baymax!” I said, pushing him away as I blushed super hard. “My diagnosis is you are experiencing lo-” Baymax started to say before I cut him off. “SHHH!” I said, blushing harder. (Y/N) giggled at my antics a bit, making me blush harder. She walked over to me and put her arm around my shoulders. I was still pretty embarrassed by Baymax almost letting out my secret in front of (Y/N). She said something, but I didn’t hear her, other then when she asked “You ok?” she asked, her voice ringing in my ears. I blushed hard and grabbed her hand. “I am now….” I said with slight smile, still blushing super hard. (Y/N)’s cheeks became a light pink. She smiled and moved closer to me, causing me to smile too. I didn’t let her hand go the entire time we walked back towards the cafe.

Sweet Kisses (Hiro x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora