Chapter 12

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Hiro's P.O.V (starting out with somethin' neeeeew~)-

My eyes fluttered open. (Y/N) was still in my arms. I smiled slightly and kissed the top of her (H/C) hair covered head, trying not to move much, since she was still asleep. She really was cute. I wonder if today I would get the courage to ask her out.... It was a perfect day to. It's mid-Spring, and cherry trees heavy with their sweet smelling blossoms are EVERYWHERE. I could take (Y/N) to my favourite spots in San Fransokyo by the trolley.... Yeah!! I think she'd like that. I'll ask when she wakes up.

Your P.O.V-

I woke up to Hiro's voice. "Goodmorning, (Y/N). Sleep well?" I smiled. "Mhm!" I yawned and stretched my arms, making sure not to smack Hiro in the face. "Hey (Y/N)?" Hiro asked, looking at me as I scratched the back of my head, still sorta groggy. "Yeah Hiro?" "I was wondering if uh...," his face became red and rubbed the back of neck nervously. He was flustered over something, I didn't know what though. "I was uh, wondering if you'd like to maybe uh, go and check out some cool places in San Fransokyo with me?" I blinked. 'Like a... date?" I asked, my heart skipping beats. Hiro nodded a couple of times. I smiled and latched onto his arm. 'I'd love to!!! That sounds like a lot of fun!" Hiro's nervousness disappeared, his body relaxed and he sighed. "Awesome! Let's get ready then! We have a lot to see then!!" I smiled and stood up, stretching my body completely. A whole day by myself with Hiro? And on a date no less!!! This day was going to go swimmingly well, I could already see.

[A/N Annnnd, end of chapter! Trust me, 13 will be a bit longer. Thanks, my li'l rosebuds for all your support!

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