Chapter 6- The Phone Call

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Hiro’s P.O.V-

We stayed in there for awhile, talking and comforting each other over these things. I found out a lot of stuff about (y/n). She only has one brother left, who, after the incident isn’t around much because (y/n) said he says he works four jobs to earn money, but money rarely ever comes their way. She told me he’s also in the hospital right from a car wreck with a drunk driver. If he dies, (y/n) has no where to go other than the streets or an orphanage. I cringed at the thought of her going to an orphanage. Maybe I could talk to Aunt Cass… She also told me about how her parents died. She was wreck as she got to that subject, but I was there to comfort her, but I could really do was continuously hug her, which she didn’t seem to mind. I think. (Y/N) said that when her parents were murdered, she was only six. She was supposed to be killed as well, but managed to escape and get her brother. She lived in the streets for a long time, until Jonah was finally able to get a job. We were still talking when her phone rang. It made a weird whooshing noise, and that seemed to wake her up. She ran to the window, then looked out the door to the hall, continuously looking back and forth like she going to cross the street. Then she stopped. “Oh, it’s just you.” she said, reaching over the desk to get her phone. She gasped at the number in shock and fear. She answered. “He-hello?” she stuttered. I didn’t hear the conversation, but the look on her face spoke more words than she could have said. “Jonah. Jonah must have died.” I thought, covering my mouth in shock. “Ok…. Mr. Spalaris, you know I don’t have anywhere to go. What do I do now?” she was yelling into phone now. “An orphanage? AN ORPHANAGE? You and I BOTH know that putting me in an orphanage is a bad idea! You know about my past, you know what happened. You’re my case worker, not my personal police.” she said in an icy tone. “BEST FOR ME? BEST FOR ME? IF YOU HAD TWO BITS OF BRAIN LEFT IN THAT SKULL YOU KNOW THAT LEAVING TO STARVE ON THE STREETS WOULD BE BETTER FOR ME.” she screamed and hung up the phone, slamming it on the desk. She fell to the floor with a thud. “(Y/N)? Are you ok?” I asked, being the friend I am. She stood up. “Hiro, I’m afraid that this is goodbye….” she said before leaving the room. I couldn’t let that happen. I chased after her, screaming her name the entire way. “(Y/N)! (Y/N), WAIT!” I yelled until I didn’t have a voice. I sat down on the bench and cried. “No, this can’t be goodbye…. (Y/N) I loved you…. I can’t…. This can’t be. No….” I cried into my hands. Go Go and the others must have heard (y/n) screaming at her caseworker. “Hey, are you ok?” she said, putting her hand on my shoulder. Everyone else crowded around me on the bench. “What’s wrong, Hiro?” Honey Lemon asked. “This can’t be goodbye…. It can’t.” I mumbled under my breath. “Let’s just leave him alone for awhile.” Fred whispered, and they all agreed. “Hiro, if you need something, come and tell us. We’re here for you.” Honey Lemon said before following the others. I nodded. “Ok. Oh (Y/N), why did you have to go?” I asked the now rain cloud covered sky, which was really ironic. I just hope that I can find her again. But before I do that, I have to go talk to Aunt Cass about something first. I took off down the street towards the cafe. It was pouring rain, but I had important things to do, so continued to run. Maybe I would catch up to (y/n).


Your P.O.V-

I had been talking to Hiro for over an hour in his little office about my past and such. I told him about how when my parents were murdered, I was there, and I had to sit and watch. I managed to escape and get my brother before bolting out the door. Then I told him about Jonah, how he seemed like a nice older brother, but looks are deceiving. He says that he works four jobs to earn money for us, but I never see any of that money come our way, or at least, my way. I knew what he was up to. He would use the money for drinks and clubs. I’m not inferring any of it! He comes home so drunk, that have to put him to bed! Anyway, the point was, our rent for our apartment hadn’t paid for weeks, so we’re going to get kicked out if Jonah didn’t pay for it. But he can’t right now because he’s in the hospital because of a drunk driving incident. He got into bad wreck and is now in ICU on life support. He was drunk idiot, but he was my only family left. If he dies and don’t have a legal guardian, I go to the orphanage or a foster home. I heard my phone go off. I immediately snapped my neck up, looking around everywhere for the TARDIS. I looked out the window; nope. I looked down the halls; nope. Then I realized it was just my phone. “Oh, it’s you.” I said with an annoyed tone. I picked up, but nearly dropped it again when I saw the number; It was my caseworker, Mr. Sparalis. I answered.

Phone conversation-

Mr. S- Hello, (Y/N)?

(Y/N)- Y-yes?

Mr. S- (Y/N), I have some tragic news.

(Y/N)- Is it Jonah?

Mr. S- I’m afraid so, (Y/N).

(Y/N)- N-no, he can’t be….

Mr. S- Miss. (Y/N), he’s dead.

(Y/N)- *muffled sobs* N-no…. You’re lying!

Mr. S- Calm down, Miss. (Y/N). He died in his sleep last night, but I called you this morning.

(Y/N)- *more muffled sobs* Wait, last night? And you didn’t call me?!

Mr. S- I didn’t want to wake you. Now, Miss. (Y/N), do you have any other family to go to?

(Y/N)- No.

Mr. S- Then you know you have to go somewhere. Where are you going?

(Y/N)- Anywhere you haven’t suggested yet.

Mr. S- Going to orphanage is best, Miss. (Y/N). I would prefer you go there if you know what’s best for you.

(Y/N)- An orphanage? AN ORPHANAGE? You and I BOTH know that putting me in an orphanage is a bad idea! You know about my past, you know what happened. You’re my case worker, not my personal police.

Mr. S- Yes, yes. I know. Your PTSD and such. You would be fine. It would be best for you. *sounds of paper being moved around*


Mr. S- Miss. (Y/N), it would be best! People would take care of you, feed you, make sure you were in you best state of body and mind! Living on the streets is dangerous! I’ll call around and see if-

(Y/N)- NO! I don’t care about my state of body and mind! I don’t care if it’s dangerous! I did it for three years! Mr. Sparalis, if I could state my opinion, I say you take your idea and throw it away, because they is no chance that I would EVERgo to an orphanage. Goodbye, Mr. Sparalis. *hangs up*

I slammed my phone down on the desk. My legs got weak, which was the worst feeling in the world. I hit the hard and cold ground fast. I couldn’t stop crying. Hiro must have said something but I couldn’t hear him at all. I heard was a loud ringing in my ears. I stood up and looked at Hiro strait in the eye. “Hiro, I’m afraid that this is goodbye….” I said, before bolting off, out of the room, down the hallways, out onto the streets. Hiro was trying to keep up with me, but I’m really fast. I left him behind, standing there. I felt so guilty. He was my friend, my brother, and I was leaving him behind. Tears streamed down my face as I ran towards my apartment building. I ran up the stairs, into my room, and slammed the door, locking it as soon as it closed. I leaned against the door and put my knees to my chest and my head in my knees. I cried so hard. I had no family left. None. I said earlier that Hiro was my brother. Not in a literal sense, but friendship wise. He’s my best friend, and I would put my life on the line for him. I love him. And I left him. I left crying and upset. I heard thunder outside. “Great…. Just what I need….” I said as I flung myself onto my bed. I took the picture of my family from nightstand and held it close to my chest. My eyelids grew heavy, and they closed. Maybe if I fall asleep, I’ll forget about everything that happened….


It was really sunny outside and the temperature of the water was perfect. Not too hot and too cold. I ran into the salty waves of the ocean and splashed around, occasionally turning around to wave back at my mom who was reading, and my dad who was burying Jonah in the sand. We were so happy. I ran up to my mom to get a giant bucket to collect the seashells around the beach. They were so big around the gulf. I collected about six bucketfuls. I made a sandcastle and used some of my shells as decorations. It was perfect. Everything was perfect. Perfect….


AUTHORS SIDE NOTE~ I was literally thinking about calling this chapter "Feels Chapter" because of all the stuff that happens. Man, poor Hiro! He finally realizes that he likes you and then you run away from him. By the way, CHAPTER 7 IS NEARLY DONE!!! So you guys can read this while I work, mkay? Anywhoser, enjoy and don't forget to like, comment, vote, and do whatever it is that you do! Thanks for the support, Reader-chan! Love you all to death!

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