Chapter 2~ Meeting the Members

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Looky, it's part two!! Enjoy! You get to meet Hiro and the gang, but you still have no idea what the heck Baymax is. You will sooner or later -_^


Your P.O.V-

I walked into the lunch room and wished that Jonah was here to help me find a place to sit like he always did before we had to move because of the circumstances. Suddenly this girl walked up to me. She looked pretty nerdy. But she was really pretty, too. She smiled. “Hello! Are you new here? I’m Honey  Lemon! You look lost. Need some help?” she said through a smile a mile wide. I smiled back. She reminded me of one of my cousins on my dad’s side. I smiled back. “Yeah, I’m new here. My name is (y/n). Honey Lemon is really pretty name!” I said. “I’ve got nowhere to sit. So, yeah. I’m pretty lost.” I laughed. Honey Lemon smiled wider. “Come, come! You can sit with me and my friends! You’ll love them!” she said as she grabbed my arm and jogged towards a table with a couple of people sitting at it. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up at Honey Lemon and I. The expressions on their faces read “Who did you bring now, Honey Lemon?” I must have been slowly slinking away in embarrassment because Honey Lemon grabbed my wrist again and pulled me next to her. “Guys, this is (y/n)! She’s new here and doesn’t have a place to sit. Can she sit here?” she asked as if she was asking her mom to let her keep a stray cat she found. The one girl looked at me, then at Honey Lemon, then at me again, then at Honey Lemon. “Sure.” she said, sounding expressionless. “Sit, sit!” Honey Lemon said excitedly. I smiled a little bit and sat down next to Honey Lemon. This burst of pure hyper-energy was starting to grow on me, yeah know. “Well, (y/n), this is Go Go, Wasabi, Fred, and Hiro. You already know me.” she said pointing to each person as she said their names. Hiro just kinda stared at me, causing me to blush really badly. I probably looked like an overripe tomato. Ha. Oh well. At least I have a place to sit at lunch that isn’t by myself.

Hiro’s P.O.V-

I sat down with Go Go, Wasabi, and Fred for lunch. “You ok, Hiro?” Go Go asked as I sighed. I woke up when I heard her ask. “Yeah, I’m good! Never been better, actually.” I lied. I had a rough morning. She could tell something was up. “It’s Todachi, isn’t it?” she asked as she put her hand on my shoulder to comfort me. I hung my head and slightly nodded. Wasabi looked over to me and Go Go. “Is he ok?” he asked as he took a bite out of a sandwich. Go Go nodded. “He’ll be fine. He just needs someone to talk to.” she said. I quickly changed the subject. “Where’s Honey Lemon?” I asked as started to my lunch out of the bag. Fred looked around the lunch room. “She’s over there, talking to that girl. Is she new?” he said, pointing to them. Honey Lemon looked over and waved, then pulled the new girl over to our table. I hadn’t been paying attention to anything except my sandwich until I heard Honey Lemon talking. I looked up from my sandwich. Immediately I say the new girl. She had (h/c), (e/c) eyes, and was just all out pretty. I immediately blushed when I noticed I was staring at her. She took a sit next to Honey Lemon. I wanted to say something to her, but nothing came out of my mouth. I can be really stupid with saying things sometimes, so I just decided to keep my mouth shut for now. I hope (y/n) doesn’t mind for now.

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