Chapter 3- Baymax to the Rescue!

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Your P.O.V-

After lunch was over, I had to get to robotics. I thought I would hate it at first. I didn’t realize how much it was! I didn’t moan like everyone else when the Professor told us the homework. I had to keep reminding myself why I’m in this college in the first place; My math and technology skills. Maybe one of Honey Lemon’s friends or even Honey Lemon could teach me the works of robotics, because I don’t have a clue. I shrugged it off. I hadn’t seen Josephine for awhile, even at lunch. I once again shrugged it off. I was walking down the hallway when I ran into someone. It was that Hiro kid from lunch. I fell backwards, smacking my head off the ground in the process. I rubbed the back of my head as I winced in pain. “Tsss, ouch…” I said. “I-I’m so sorry. I didn’t see where I was going.” he said with ripe tomato for a face. I chuckled. “It’s ok, Hiro. It was an accident. If only accidents didn’t hurt so much….” I touched the bump on the back of my head. “I can fix this!” Hiro said as he pulled me up and started off towards some more classroom things. I had to run to keep up. He opened one of the doors and pushed a spinny chair towards me. He ran behind me and started looking at the back of my head. “Say ouch when it hurts.” he said, and started poking at the back of my head of (h/c) hair. “OUCH!” I yelled when he hit the center where I smacked my head on the ground. I heard this weird noise and looked over at the red suitcase thingy under the window. This huge, white balloon thing started to inflate from the case. It slowly walked over to me and Hiro. I was rubbing the back of my head when it stopped in front of us. It raised it’s giant hand with sausage fingers. “Hello! I am Baymax, your personal health care assistant!” Baymax said with a friendly voice. “Uh, hello Baymax.” I said and slightly waved to the balloon. “On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?” he said, and a range of smiley faces appeared on his stomach. “Uh, it’s a seven right now…. I hit my head.” I said, still continuously rubbing the back of my head. “Scan complete!” Baymax said as he stood in front of me. Hiro had walked beside him. “She seems to have slight head trauma, and bruising.” Baymax said. Hiro cheery face turned to a worried expression. “I didn’t hit you that hard, did I?” he said with a cautious voice. I chuckled again. “No silly. That’s from different things.” I said, rubbing the blue bruise on my fore arm. “I suggest an ice pack for your head.” Baymax chimed. I smiled. “That would be nice. Thanks, Baymax!” I said. Baymax walked over and put his hand on the back of my head. It was cold. “You have ice packs in your hands?!” That’s really cool!” I said through a smile. If Hiro made this to help people, maybe he wasn’t so bad after all….

Hiro’s P.O.V-

Once lunch was over, I had to go to math. Ugh. I ran down the hall as the first bell rang. I turned my head for a split second, and BAM! Next thing you know, I’m smacked into this girl, who was now on the floor, curled into a ball clutching her head. I panicked. It was the same girl from lunch, what was her name? Oh yeah, (y/n). I probably looked like talking, overripe tomato. “I-I’m so sorry. I didn’t see where I was going.” I stuttered. She sat up, still clutching her head. “Ouch….” she said, rubbing the back of her head. I immediately thought of something. “Baymax!!” I thought, and walked over to (y/n). “I can fix this.” I said, as cool and nonchalantly as I could. I grabbed her hand and started to run towards the nerd lab. She didn’t really hesitate, she just tried to catch up, although she was pretty fast. I tossed her a spinny chair for her to sit on while Baymax took care of her. I ran behind and started to touch around on the back of her (h/c) hair covered head. “Yell ‘ouch’ when it hurts, even if it’s just the slightest pain.” I said, continuously touching places on the back of her head and blushing, probably looking like a ripe tomato. When she finally yelled in pain, I stopped. Baymax would take care of the rest. I heard him starting to come out and towards us. I looked over at (y/n) with a look of satisfaction. Her face was priceless! She looked really awe-struck and pretty…. Losing my train of thought. “Hello! I am Baymax, your personal health care assistant! On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?” Baymax and (y/n) continued on with what they had to do, and just kinda looked at (y/n). She really was pretty. I smiled to myself. I shook myself out of the daydream and walked over to Baymax and stood beside him. “She appears to have slight head trauma and bruising.” he said, turning to look at me. My smile quickly faded. “Bruising? Did I really hit you that hard?” I asked nervously. (Y/n) just chuckled slightly. I sighed a huge sigh of relief when she told me that it was from the past. Baymax walked over to (y/n) and put his hands on her head. Her eyes got big when she realized that he had ice packs in his hands. I smiled like an idiot. She laughed a little bit at herself and closed her (e/c) eyes. I couldn’t have feelings for (y/n), could I? Nah, that’s silly. Right?


Yay, look at that! I got more done! You finally meet the balloon robot, Baymax! Honestly, I don't know if he has ice packs in his hands, but that was a nice touch. There's a little bit of fluff for ya. Enjoy!


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