Chapter 2 ~Dream~

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Oh gosh, how long have I been sleeping? I sit up on my bed, feeling queasy. My arm has gone numb and won't seem to move with my other arm. I go to lift my right arm, and it feels like I'm trying to lift an anvil. "Come on honey, Ulrich is waiting for you." Mother calls. 'Honey'? Since when has she ever called me that? Probably nothing.

Its about 1 pm, so I throw a nirvana sweatshirt over my head and change into a different pair of shorts, and dash out of my bedroom door. Ulrich is standing in the kitchen, talking to my mother. "About time." He says, rolling his eyes. Man has some sass to him. I give warnings to any future boyfriends of his. I give him an irritated smile as I put my shoes on. "Let's go," I say softly, I'm surprised he heard me. Ulrich says goodbye to my mom, and so do I, "See you later!" I yell.

Me and Ulrich approach the car and hop in. "So where too?" I ask. Ulrich is staring out the window, unaware of what I just asked him. "Ulrich?" I catch his attention, finally, he looks at me and lifts a brow. "Where do you wanna go to?" I repeat, "Wanna go to the mall?" He asks me. "I don't know Ulrich, I asked you." I snap, he gives me this look, I don't know how to explain it. "Well, the mall it is."

We pull into the malls parking lot, and after searching for a solid 5 minutes, we score a close parking to the entrance. "Let's take a stop at the food court before we do any browsing." Ulrich looks at me and gives me a nod. We approach the food court and debate on what we want to eat. About 2 minutes later, we decided to order from Renzios, a Greek food restaurant. I ordered a classic gyro with a side of fries and a medium soda, Ulrich ordered a chicken gyro and a small soda. We sit down at a table close to the restaurant and talk for a good 4 minutes before our food is done.

What seems to be about 25 minutes, we finish, and we clear our area and stand by the escalators, "Any preferred places?" I turn and meet Ulrichs gaze. "Nope, not that I can think of," he says, looking around at his surroundings. "Okay, well, we can start at Build a Bear if you want. Get matching bears." I give him a mischievous grin, and he gives it right back. I grab his hand, and he grabs mine, and we skip along the pathways like children excited for candy. We stop once we approach the entrance. I look at him, and he looks at me. We bolt into the store like children yet again. We look around for a bit and finally decide what bears we want. He takes a plain brown bear, and I take a black bear. We do the walk through, and I put his heart in my bears, and he takes mine into his. We have been friends since kindergarten, but he likes to make it seem we have known each other since birth. We'll at least since he was born. I am a year older than him.

About 2 years ago, when we started middle school, he came out of the closet. Honestly, I saw it coming from the very beginning. His personality is so exotic and fun. He's like a brother to me, but best friends. As we get to the end of putting our bears together, we pick out matching outfits, we dressed ours up with a T shirt, "Emotional Support Bear," We pay up and walk put of Build A Bear with huge smiles plastered across our faces. "Let's take a quick stop at Bath and Body Works, I need some perfume and lotion." I say, looking over at Ulrich. He nods in response.

We spent about 15 minutes in there just looking around. I end up buying 2 perfumes and the matching lotion, Ulrich buys himself a cologne and hand lotion. In total, we spent about $167. Next, we have a movie to get to. We rap things up and head out. Ulrich is getting bored, I can tell. His eyes look gloomy, and his energy is drained. "You want me to put some music on over there sleeping beauty?" I ask, nudging him slightly as I'm trying not to get us into a car crash. "Sure, sounds good. But before we head to the movies, can we stop at King Soopers and get some snacks?" He asks. "Sure, we have 15 minutes anyway. Plus, the ads are way to long." I reply. I put on my uplifting playlist, and the song playing is "Oh baby" by Pitbull and Tpain

Overall, we spent about 4 hours at the mall. Now it is 6:50 and the sun is starting to set, the movie doesn't start till about 7:30, so we have about 30 ish so minutes to get our snacks and head to the theaters. Me and Ulrich get out of the car, and I move my head up to stare at the sky, as the sun is starting to set, the moon has made an appearance, the moon is so beautiful. The way you can acknowledge its beauty, unlike the sun, because it's bright in a way, it doesn't burn your eyes. Ulrich knocks the side of my head softly, "Safira, you've got to stop day dreaming all the time," he states. I roll my eyes and let out a scoff.

We make our way into King Soopers when Ulrich goes stiff. It's like his body just stopped working. "Ulrich, what's wrong?" I ask, curious to his sudden stop. He points in a specific direction, I follow till I finally see why he stopped. It's Mason, Aiden, and Nathaniel, they seem to be checking out. I grab Ulrich and try my hardest to get him to hurry. But just as we got out of view, I heard my name being yelled. "Safira!!" I turn my head slowly, afraid of who might be standing right in front of me.. Yup, it's him.

"I didn't expect to see you guys here!" He says in an up tone voice. It's almost as if he's excited? "I mean, it is the store." Ulrich claims. I let out a soft laugh as so do the others, but Mason, his face is blank. He's staring at me with those beautiful coffee eyes. The glare his glasses give off makes him more breathtaking. His glare isn't in a rude manner, but he's staring at me in a way I can't explain. Before I can ask what's wrong, his arms wrap softly around my waist but sends a message that he wants to hold me tighter. My face digs deep into his chest, and my heart starts to throb like it wants to be free of the prison holding it back.

"My gosh Safira, I don't mean to, but you're so authentic and wonderful. I needed to go in for a hug, you know? It's like seeing a baby and asking to hold it." He says while still holding me lose to his body. I try to wiggle free, but his grip on me makes me feel safe and secure. It's almost as if I don't want this to ever end. I can hear Ulrich mumbling under his breath. "Dios mío, solo quería bocadillos." Mason moves one of his hands off of my back and places it on my left cheek. He lifts my face to meet his gaze. His face looks so soft, not to masculine but not feminine. The more we stare into each other's eyes, the more I'm urged to smash my lips against his. As we both move closer, almost inches away from meeting one another's lips. My alarm goes off.

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