Chapter 11

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I wake up almost instantly, afraid to check my phone. I grab my phone off of my dresser and open his messages. Nothing. I let out a relieved sigh and lay back down, but I hit my head against the wall. "Ouch," I whisper under my breath. He hasn't answered, and I don't expect him to. I feel as if maybe I am getting ahead of myself. Maybe I am just as delusional as these anime fans are.

I pick up my book "The Secret History" by Donna Tartt. I'm about to finish with the book. I am on Chapter 8, page 490, so about 70 pages left, I'm guessing. I need to keep my mind off of him. I need to detach from him, I guess. But I really can't, cause it isn't that simple! No matter what these dreams do to me, I won't let it mess with me any longer. I'm tired of having somebody who isn't mine. But it's fine.

I asked my mom if I and her could go out to the book store and hang out, just me and her. My sister is at her dad's at the moment, and my brother is over a friend's house. And right now, I just need some time with myself and books. I have at least $150 dollars in my wallet right now, so I'm going to go book shopping (haha). I got at least a $100 gift card from summer school. I didn't get first place, which is quite frankly upsetting because I had a perfect score on my presentation while everyone else had below me. But that's fine, it was $100 I didn't have before.

We finally arrived at Barnes & Noble, and immediately, I rushed out of the car and into the store. I can go up and down these isles forever and ever. I have at least a stack of 5, each with a sticker "buy one get one 50% off", pretty much my luck if you think about it. I get to the register, and I have the cashier scan my membership card. It takes about 10% off, and my luck runs even better. I look at the price after she takes 50% off, but I realize the price is only $40.50, I stand there shook by this. "Oh wow, I expected to pay more," I blurt. The cashier gave me a warm smile and hands me my receipt. She took about 60% off of ALL my books, which is why it came down to 40 dollars.

My mom looks at me with a puzzled look, "6 books? You're on a tight budget, 6 books cost a lot." I give her an evil ish grin and hand her the receipt. "60% off of all of your books?!" She yelps. "God gave you some gift there, girl. And you complained about not getting enough books with 150." She laughs. I roll my eyes and laugh along with her. She pulls up to Dutch Bros, and we get a coffee and head to the mall. Funny. But I lug all my books everywhere I go, haha. Me and my mom come put with a few items from Bath and Body Works stuff and hottopic items too. By then, we leave and get lunch and head home.

"Thanks mom, today was a fun day." I say, giving her a smile. "Anytime, it was pretty fun." She replied. I finish my lunch and plop down on my bed, and I see a message from him which was sent 3 hours ago. I open it up. "Hey," he says. "Hey." I reply back. But even at that, it takes him a while to answer back; so in the meantime, I pick up my Secret History book to finish so I can move on to another. I read until my eyes feel heavy, so I grab my earbuds and plop them into my ears and put on some ASMR, don't judge, and close my eyes.

It's been about 2 hours since I have been asleep. My mom is sleeping on the couch out in the living room, and the clock reads to about 4:30pm. My eyes widen at the time, and I rush over to mom and shake her body. "MOM, wake up, it's 4:30. We were supposed to pick up grandma and drip her off at Aunt Louiss' house about an hour ago!" I shout. My mom panics as she gets up, and her phone reads about 6 missed calls from her. My mom calls her back, and my grandma picks up. "Don't bother. Uncle Jesus picked me up." She says and immediately hangs up.

Me and my mom sit in silence until I burst out in laughter, and following she does too. "She can be mad all she wants. It's not like I could care. She complains too much anyway. " she says, laughing even more. Every car ride with my grandma, she always has to make it such a terrible car ride. Always, she starts fights and always has something to say about me, my mom or my brother, a few years younger than me. But I'm the main target, "Why do you always wear black, are you goth?" She said yesterday. I roll my eyes at the thought of it but then brush it off.

Uts about 8 pm, and my grandma finally gets home. My mom and I are in the room watching Investigation Discovery, and my grandma comes barging in. "What the hell? Why didn't you come pick me up?!" She screams. Me and my mom look at each other and back at my grandma. "You guys are ridiculous and awful." I look at my grandma, "Grandma, we fell asleep and weren't aware of any missed calls, we're so -" she stops me from talking by shoving her hand close to my face. "Enough of the back talk, I'm tired of it." She yanks my phone off of my bed and tosses it on the couch outside our bedroom door.

My mom gave my grandma a hateful glare. "You don't have any right taking away her phone. She was just trying to explain that you don't get to decide if you can take her phone or not, I do." She says, catching my grandma off guard. "Give it back." She adds. My grandma gives me a snare look and walks away. I walk out and sneak fully, take my phone back. "Thanks, mom," I say. "Don't bother, it's true. She has no right to take your phone over some dumb bullshit." She replies. I let out a giggle and take my book out and read.

A few hours later, my eyes start to feel heavy and sore. I place my book under my bed and cover up with my blanket and close my eyes. And drift off into yet another dream...

Nothing But A DreamOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz