Chapter 12 ~Dream~

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Today is the day. I'm not happy, but I'm not devastated either. First day back to school, and I already wish it was summer or even winter break. I have a packed schedule this semester,  and on top of that, volleyball. Tryouts were a pain in my ass. My body was numb the first day, the second day I couldn't even sneez without my body feeling like it was about to explode.

I toss my bag onto my shoulder and take a deep breath. "Here I go," I whisper to myself. My mom drives me all the way to the high school. "Are you okay?" She says, giving me a concerned glare, "I'll be alright," I say, giving her a soft, anxious smile. I take a step out of the car, and I make my way inside the building. I breathe in as much school air as I can get and let out a pained exhale. I look around, and I see him, standing 4 feet away from me talking to his friends. I let out a loud gasp, and immediately, I cracked my neck with as fast as I turned my head. I walk fast and as far away from him as possible.

There's not much I can do, really. He's in two of my classes. Luckily, they aren't during the morning, so I'm decently feeling a bit better. Music is blasting through my ears, "Hands Up by 6arelyhuman." I'm feeling pretty bad ass I'm not gonna lie, but it isn't enough confidence to pretend I don't look like a huge hot mess right now. I see Ulrich, and immediately I run to him. I almost forgot his stuffie. I got him while at the mall a few weeks ago. "I got you something," I blurt. I take the stuffed animal out from my bag, and I start to laugh.

"A clown? Jeez, thanks, Safira. " I laugh hard to where I am about to cry, "even better, look at what his name is." I say, still giggling. "Ulrich..." He says. I laughed pretty loudly as my laughter could not be contained. His facial expressions make me lose my cool. "You like it?" He looks at me, "Sure." He replies. "Haha, thanks,  but better be heading to English class. See you at lunch?", "you know it!" He says, walking farther from me.

It's about time for lunch, English wasn't all that bad. I mean, it's the first day back, so it was more of just a lot of lectures about what this year will look like. I sit down at the usual table I always sat at during freshman year. Ulrich and Katie sit down next to me, one on each side, and we tell each other how our summer went. Issac passes the table and gives us a glance, and continues to walk. He can be mad at me all he wants, but I'm not dealing with an emotionally manipulative guy. He needs to get his stuff together, and so do I. But I'm trying, at least.

I and Ulrich I are talking, and Katie taps my shoulder, "Isn't that your pookie?" She says, raising one eyebrow while smirking, I turn over, and he's standing at the end of the stairs. I stare at him, trying not to be obvious until he looks at me and smiles. I immediately look down, and I think I might have done it to aggressively, I smacked my forehead against the edge of the tabel. I play it off, too embarrassed to look up. "He's gone," Katie says. I look up, and he is. I let out a sigh. "This isn't how I planned my first day back." I mumbled.

I need to stop being so delusional. He clearly seems uninterested in me. So I don't know, maybe I should just stop trying? There's no point in putting in effort when there's nothing in return. He's amazing. Dont get me wrong, but it's just me. I feel like I can't possibly be with him because no one wants to be with me. That's fine, I can learn to be independent. Do I really? Heck, no.

I'm staring at my psychology books while walking to my geometry class, and I instantly drop them on the floor. Seriously? I looked up, and yep, I couldn't have guessed. It's Mason! "Oh I, I'm sorry, I should have been paying attention." I cringe at my sudden stutter and how cliche that line came out. "Oh no, don't worry, if I didn't know that the door was locked, I would have run into someone too." He said while picking up my books. "Oh, I could have gotten them," I said, trying to ignore Aidens' glare, burning a hole through my head. Mr. Moon opens the door and lets us in and gives everyone a sweet smile. Not a lot of people like him, and I don't see why. His teaching definitely helped me hang onto my grade freshman year with a B.

About 20 minutes into class, we get sorted into assigned tables groups. I sit next to this new girl, and sitting behind me is Mason and Aiden. We all sit down and listen to Mr. Moon lectures us about his summer. When I feel a kick on my chair, I turn my head slightly, and Mason is giving me a soft smile. My eyes widen, and my face feels hot. I turn back around and stare at Mr. Moon, he can obviously see how red my face is, and tries to hold back a laugh... damn you, Moon. Class finally ends, and I'm ready to go home. I grab my bag and place my pencil and journal back where it goes, and grab my books off the desk.

I walk out the door and meet up with Ulrich and Ashley. "So, how was Geo?" Ashley asks. "It went okay," I say. "What about Chem? Any of it going on between you and Mason." Katie blurts. Ulrich nudges her, "What?!" She snaps, Ulrich points his finger.  "Not yet there isn't, " I say, not paying attention to why his finger is pointed. Ashley smirks, and I'm jolted back by a tap on my shoulder. "Jeez, didn't know you saw me that way. " Mason states. My face feels like it's been drained of its color. "Oh, I was joking. But I have to get going, " I say in a rush. He grabs my bag and pulls me softly. "Wanna test to see if we have chemistry?" He says, holding me close to him. I can feel his heartbeat beating faster than I can blink. He's slowly making his way to my lips when my alarm goes off

"Seriously," I blurt, waking up drenched with the lack of cool air filling the warm empty room.

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