Chapter 3

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My head is throbbing, and it's as if someone is taking a hammer to my skull and nailing it to a wall. My whole body is numb, and I'm drenched in sweat. Why did that dream feel so...real? It's as if I just left earth and to a whole different world. The butterflies in my stomach come back from the similar ones I had in my dream.

I can still feel his hands wrapped around my waist and his hot breathing hitting against my face. How can a dream feel THAT real? Now, my mind is filled with thoughts with just him. That dang alarm!! I was so close to just kissing those lips.

I sit up and stretch, trying to keep my calves from tightening(I do this to prevent Charlie horses). Those things hurt! I get up and bound my feet against the floor, putting all my weight onto it. "About time you're awake," my grandmother calls softly from the couch. It's already pitch black outside. The rain is smacking hard against the patio windows, and it's about 2:30 am. Wow, I slept for about 10 hours. It was about 4 when I passed out. "Grab yourself some water. You look red." She says, breaking the silence. "Do you have any ibuprofen?" I ask her, ignoring her comment. "Yeah, it's in my bag over on the chair," she points me to the specific chair.

I take at least two and toss them into my mouth. It takes about an hour for it to start kicking in. My headache has subsided, but these strong feelings haven't gone away along with it. I hop back onto my bed and stare blankly at the ceiling, trying to force myself back to sleep so I can finish the dream. I'm at it for at least 15 minutes until I fall back asleep.

Sadly, it wasn't what I wanted, even as hard as I tried to make up the scenario in my head. I just dreamt of being in an Uber with Bangchan from StrayKids. I'm pretty upset about this, but I have all summer. The sad thing is, tomorrow is my last day of freshman year and 3 months without seeing him. Major bummer if you ask me.

I put on a basic sweatshirt and some shorts and plop my backpack on my back, slip on my shoes, and I'm out the door. Mom's already waiting in the car like usual. "You slept like a damn rock last night," she said as I opened the car door. "I don't know, I was just tired. I had a lovely dream, so I didn't wanna wake up." I replied, "But you woke up around 2. If you enjoyed it, wouldn't you just stay asleep?" She asked. "I had no choice. My alarm went off about that time, I have no clue how when it was set for 7:20, not 2." I say. She shrugs it off and pulls out of the driveway.

I arrive at school about 15 minutes later, it's about 7:45, the doors just barely opened. I say goodbye to my mom and exit the vehicle. I make my way into the building, and I sit where I always sit by the library. Katie, Ulrich, and Ashley all sit down around me and start talking. I keep quiet all while they yell and talk about gossip. "Safira, what's wrong?" Ashley asks, looking at me with a stern look on her face. "Oh nothing," I respond. "Are you sure? You look rather...dull?", "I just had a weird dream last night. It was about Mason.. You know? Boy with glasses, dark shade, beautiful smile.." I go off track a bit and continue to list traits that leave me obsessed. "Uh, are you done yet?" Ashley states. "I mean, I saw it coming from a mile away, girl after Physics class. Every time you saw him, you started to giggle." She claims. I look at her with a puzzled look, "I giggled?" I asked. "Guess I wasn't aware of it, must have been too deep into my thoughts to even realize it." I say. Ashley rolls her eyes and goes back to talking about things that happened at home.

I pull my legs close to my chest and into a hug position, I rest my head on my knees and close my eyes. I force myself to stay awake, and before I could doze off, the bell rings, and it's time to head to class. I grab my bag and toss it over my shoulder, and start to walk away. I'm so lost. I forgot to say goodbye to my friends. I arrive at the gym and take a seat in the bleachers. I talked to the teacher before class started. "Hey, I am a bit tired. Do you mind if I just take a nap for about 30 minutes?"She looks at me and gives me the most warmest smile. "Of course you can. It's a long class today, so don't worry!" She responds, I say thank you and walk away.

Class started about 10 minutes ago, and I'm about to fall asleep, but that's until Mason sits next to me on the bleachers. "Hey, is everything alright?" He asks. I jerk my head up, and my heart starts to throb. Why is he here, and NOW?! I start to breathe heavily, and I can tell he notices. He places a hand on my leg as it starts to shake. "Hey, it's okay. There's no need to be nervous. Do you need some water?" He asks, I nod, and he gets up and fills up his water bottle with cold water. He hands it to me, and I drink as I please. I take a quick glance as him, and he gives me a smile once he catches me staring.

"So, again, is everything okay? Is there anything I can do for you?" He asks. I look at him and straight into his eyes. Wow, I can get lost forever in those beautiful browns. I shake my head fast, and he gives me another smile. "Well, I'm here if you ever need someone to talk to," "Do you have my snap?" He says. I look at him, "Uhm, I'm afraid not." I reply. He grabs my phone from my lap, "May I?" My hands grip hard onto my thighs, and my knuckles start to turn white. "Sure," I say. I watch him as he puts in his snap user and stands up. He gently places my phone back into my lap and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Stay hydrated and get some rest when you get home." He says, he walks away pretty fast, fast enough to where I wasn't able to respond to him.

I choose to stay awake for the time being and get some reading done, I have no missing assignments, so I'm good on that. Time flies by quickly, and it's about time to head home. My mother pulls up about 10 minutes after school ends, and the car ride is silent. A few small conversations, but other than that, all you can hear is the outside world. We pull up about 5 minutes later into the parking lot. Time goes by fast when a lot is on your mind.

I quickly walk up the stairs and toss everything onto the floor beside me. I change into some pajamas, and I head straight to bed. Little did I know that falling asleep would become my next hobby. It's like my dream started back from the very beginning, but only this time... different.

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