Chapter 4 ~Dream~

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I woke up to a loud bang, not a gunshot, but thunder. As much as it did sound similar, it wasn't. I get up from my bed and slightly open the blinds. It's raining pretty hard. The rain is smacking against the cold concrete, making the sounds of nature. It's so violent, but yet so pretty.

It's still awfully dark outside, I grab my book from the side of the bed and turn on my reading light. I'm on page 209 in the book "The Secret History" by Donna Tartt. The way she writes is so beautiful and brings the characters to life. Her way of writing is unique and hard for an average person to understand. It's like reading Shakespeare, but in modern-day English. Nothing much is going on other than these college kids who study Greek did a ritual that left em empty and numb. They ran away because they committed something awful. Now I don't wanna say anymore because I don't wanna spoil the book itself, or else it loses its meaning.

I read for about 3 hours, closing my book at chapter 6, page 275. The rain is still hitting the window violently. The storm is lighting up the sky and not only the rain but the thunder intermingle and make such a wonderful sounding choir. It's about 3:50 in the morning, and I open my phone to a message. Unaware of the number, it reads, "Meet me at ***** park." My heart started to pound in an uncomfortable way. I reply, "Who is this?!"The typing bubble pops up and disappears. It takes about 4 minutes to respond. "Don't worry, I'm not some weirdo. I can't say who I am until you meet me. But if you want, we can meet at a time where it's more bright outside it if it makes you comfortable!:D, " He says. I look at the message for a while until I answer back. "Okay, I'm on my way. Are you sure the park is a good idea? Is it raining pretty bad outside?"If you don't want to, then just say it, I don't mind:)" He answers. "No, it's fine." I say. I open to Ulrichs contact number, and I call him. The phone rings for about 30 seconds until he finally picks up.

"Safira, it's 4 in the morning. What do you want?" His voice sounds dull and tired, raspy at the least. "Some person texted me to meet him at ***** park," I say. No answer, "Is it okay if I come and pick you up?" No answer. "You can go back to sleep in the car, but I want someone to come with me just in case I get body snatched." I said. I roll my eyes and say, "We can stop at Chik-fil-a and get you some breakfast, or if they still are, maybe something from the lunch/dinner menu." I can hear him giggle at the other end of the phone. "Deal!" He squeals. I roll my eyes again to his stubbornness.

I grab the keys from off of the counter and throw on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. I put on my rain coat and run out the front door as fast as I can. I hop in the car already drenched by the rain. I take off my rain coat and place it in the back seat. I start the car, and I head off to go pick Ulrich up.

By the time I reach Ulrichs place, it's about 4:30. It's still raining (I don't think it will stop anytime soon). I call his phone, and seconds later, he's already outside. "I saw you pull up from the kitchen. I know your car anywhere." He says, placing a seat next to me. "So, did you find out who the mystery guy is?" He says with a tired voice. "Nope, not yet, but that's where we are going right as we speak." Moments later we arrive at the designated park, as much as this baffles me, I want to find out who this guy is.

I step out of the car, and Ulrich does too. I told him to stay right by the car since we are in perfect view. I can see a person wearing their hood. Doesn't look like he can be much older than I. I walk slowly as I come closer to him. I step on a stick, and his head lifts. He faces towards me, and right then and there. My heart stops. MASON? What does he want with me and 4 in the damn morning?

He sprints towards me, and as he comes inches away from me, he smiles at me. "Wow, Safira, you're more beautiful than I could have ever imagined out in the rain.". He starts to take off his rain coat, the rain spilling from his glass lens and onto his bare skin makes him glow. "What are you doing? Aren't you gonna be cold? It's only 40 out here." I say. He gives a soft giggle and looks at me, staring straight into my soul. My skin starts to burn up the longer he looks at me. Now that I think about it, it's pretty hot out... well, humid, I should say. I unzip my rain coat and toss it onto the floor. The rain is fogging up my glasses, and I can't see. I take my glasses off and put them into my pocket. "Wow there, Missy, put your glasses back on. You may look gorgeous without them, but you take my breath away when they are sitting so finely on your face." I bite the insides of my cheek, trying so hard not to smile.

I grab my glasses from out of my pocket and put them back on. They aren't as foggy, but the rain drops are making it hard for me to see. I grab the ends of my shirt and wipe the drops away. He's still looking at me, and surprisingly, it isn't making me uncomfortable, but more so makes me feel safe. He grabs my hand and kisses it like he's straight out of some Disney princess movie. I look at him, and he looks at me. He wraps his hands around my waist and pulls me close to him. If I was cold, now I'm not.

"I heard you've always wanted to dance in the rain?" He says. My heart is pounding against my chest, and I can see Ulrich watching us and every single move Mason makes. I can see a smirk flashing across his face from where I am and where he is. Slowly, he starts to move his body, and he drags me along with him. As soon as I know it, we are dancing slowly, as the rain is soaking us. We do this for about 10 minutes, and then he giggles. He let's go of me, and he says "tag." I'm so confused by his sudden urge, but the childhood memory of this game pops into my mind.

He starts to run and the no sooner did he, I started to run too. Forgetting about Ulrich, and everyone else in this world. Right now, it's just me and him running like little kids. He makes his way down the slide, and I follow along with him. I start to catch up to him, and as soon as I grab the neck of his sweatshirt, we fall onto the grass. My eyes are closed, afraid to open them, I can feel his body underneath mine. He let's out a soft laugh, "Open your eyes Safira." He says. I open my eyes, and I see him, I see his eyes, and the streetlight gives his beautiful browns a glow that looks the color of honey. He places his hand on my head, "lay down" he says. I lay my head onto his chest. Hearing the pace of his heart. He let's out a harsh breath, and he's caressing my head softly. "You know, I could have never imagined something like this ever happening." He says. I stay quiet, admiring everything about this moment. He slowly sits up, still holding me close to his chest.

"Safira," he says in a pianissimo tone. I look up at him and he smiles, and it warms every bit of my body. I'm so lost in his smile that I didn't realize how closer he was getting to my face. "May I?" He asks. I nod, and give him a smile. As we were about to meet one another's lips. I hear a loud buzzing sound, and that's when the dream fades into just a memory. And I wake up

Nothing But A DreamOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz