Chapter 8 ~Dream~

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I wake up to my mom screaming my name, "SAFIRA! YOU'RE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" She never screams at me, so this is peculiar to me. I reach over to my alarm, and it reads 8:30. Oh shit. School started 15 minutes ago. I quickly jump from off of my bed and puck something simple from my closet to wear. I stuff my laptop and a few journals and pens in my bag and rush out the door.

I take the second car in the garage, and I head off. I'm going about 58 in a 35 zone. And right now, I really hope I don't get pulled over. In about 10 minutes, I reached the school building, and I parked in the last spot. I grab my bag off of the passenger seat and wing it over my shoulder.

I run all the way till I reach the door, and I get buzzed in. I sign a slip showing I am late but not absent. It's about 9, and right now, I have a Journalisim class. I'm heaving by how many stairs I need to go down and up again. It's ridiculous how many sets of stairs this school has.

I finally made it to my journalism class, and embarrassingly enough, I walk like an awkward person into the classroom, gaining the attention of everyone in the room. "Ms. Greek, you're late to class." I look at her, and she immediately stops talking about how I'm late. I look over at Mason, and he's giggling. A big smile plastered across his face.

I look away immediately as his friend Dilan catches me staring. I fast walk towards an empty seat, and I sit down, trying not to look over at Mason. Today's a long day, which means class ends at 9:30 and it's 9:15. Good thing I was late. The next class is Physics and after is lunch. Right now, we are just finishing up a Canva newspaper, but I'm already finished. So I bend down and snatch my book from my bag and start to read.

9:30 has come up fast, and now It's time to head down to physics class. I have no idea what we'll  be doing, but Ms. Fox said something about catching up on a project. I only have a few things left to finish, and I'll be done for the rest of the class. So I'll probably sleep for the time being because my eyes feel heavy. It's always earlier in the morning and not the afternoon.

About 15 minutes in, and I finish my project. So I placed my laptop back into my bag and lay my head onto my desk. About 20 minutes later, I feel someone sit next to me. "Are you okay, love?" Mason says softly. I can feel all of my body heat rush all up to my face. This guy makes me feel so warm. I put my head up, and I smile at him. "Yeah, I'm just a bit tired." I reply. "Well, class ended 5 minutes ago. Luckily I stayed, I had to help my friend find his airpod, no luck though." He says.

Well, that's embarrassing.  He tells me to head to the lunch room, and so I listen. I see a bunch of people being asked out to homecoming, and honestly. It makes me feel tender inside. All that warmth fades deep into the abyss.  I sit down at the table I usually sit at with my friends. They are all sitting there so quietly until they see me. "What took you so long?" Katie says. "I fell asleep, and Mason woke me up." Ulrich rolls his eyes. "I swear girly, your so gaga very him." He adds along with his eye roll.

10 minutes into lunch, and all of a sudden, the lunch room goes silent. I start to hear whispers, and I lift my head up slowly. On my right, I see Mason walking towards me with a basket, a teddy bear, and one of his friends carrying something behind his back. And to my left, Issac is walking towards me with a rolled up poster behind his back.

My heart instantly stops, and now I understand everyone's whispers. I can start to feel my heart beat faster by the closer they get. My body is trembling, and I'm starting to get light-headed. They both finally reach me, and they stare at each other for what seems to be a long time. "Safira." Mason says softly. I look at him with wide doe eyes. every time I look at him, I fall in love with him more and more. I feel like I've been put under a spell. "Will you go to homecoming with me?" He asks, holding a cute little sign that says the exact question that came out of his mouth, and if it couldn't get better. When he opened the poster, rose petals had fallen out.

The lunch room is filled with amazement, and I can hear the girls whispering. "I wish he asked me this way."Why is the ugly girl so lucky?" Blah blah.  He holds out the basket, and I grasp the teddy bear in my hand and hold it to my chest. "No, Safira, will you go with me to homecoming?" Issac asks, his tone tense and in the form of trying to show dominance. His head is held up high. He opens the poster up with the question that he had stated. I look down at my hands, and they're trembling.

I push myself out of my chair, my legs lose all feelings, and have gone numb. But I shove past Mason, and I run up the stairs gasping for air, I make it into the library and collapse between two book shelves. I sat down and tucked my legs and held them close to my chest. I'm crying as my body continues to tremble. I'm crying so much that my vision starts to blur. I continue until I black out. My vision has gone to nothing. Black, empty, lonely.

I open my eyes to being blinded, and my vision gets impaired yet again. The room is white and smells of cleaning alcohol. "Oh, thank God you're awake." I hear a voice say. I'm not so sure who's it is. I blink harder, trying to gain my vision back. But my glasses not being on my face makes it more difficult. All of a sudden, I feel warmth on my left hand and then something cold. It's my glasses. I rush to put them on, and as I did. I see him.

Mason is sitting down next to the hospital bed I am laying in. He's looking at me with pure sorrow. "I'm sorry I ran out on you like that." I say ashamed. "Hey. That's okay. You were in an uncomfortable situation. I know if I was being asked out by two girls, I'd get nervous, too." He replies. "I brought the basket and the bear you dropped if you want a companion more than me." He let's out an empathy giggle. "It's a good thing I followed you, I wanted to check and see if you were okay. And that's when.." He looks at me and back down at his hands.

"Hey Mason?" I say, he looks up at me."Yes?" He answers. "I will go to homecoming with you. The basket, the rose pedals, the bear, and your big of a heart are so magnificent." I say as I reach to grab his hand. He leans over to me and places his free hand on my cheek. "I'm glad." He says smiling. He leans closer to kiss my cheek. When I hear a loud ringing. And my dream fades to nothing...

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