Chapter 13

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Well, today is the day I start school. I'm not to to excited about it, but at least I get to see him, even if it's just seeing him in the hallways, talking to his friends, or in the two classes he's in with me. He's such a sweetheart!
I go out and eat breakfast with my brother, and we talk for a bit until we finish, and then I go and get dressed before we leave to head to school.

We drop my little sister off at school first as she is the only one attending elementary school. We drop her off and make our way down to my high school. My brother now attends middle school, so he gets to enter the building earlier than his fellow classmates since the middle and high school are attached. It's 11:43, and doors don't open until 11:45. "Why can't you just drop me off at the middle school?!" My brother whines. "Ian, just get over it and come with me." I mummble

We finally make our way into the building, and my brother is holding the straps of his backpack anxiously. He's nervous, I get that, but the commons is right there, and there aren't even a lot of high schoolers since we are here exactly as the doors opened. Me and my brother and I make our way down to the commons and take a seat at a table near the stairs to the lower commons section. I'm looking nervously at my phone waiting for Ulrich to respond to my texts, but he hasn't. I'm also panicking, looking nervously around the commons in search of Mason.

Talking to him over text is one thing. But seeing and talking in person is more, I don't know. It's scary and gut-wrenching. Gosh, I'm such a mess, I have such strong feelings for him, but it's so hard to talk to him, even now. Though he was in my English class last year and every time we discussed our book, it was easy. And staring into his eyes was easy, too. That's when I saw him changed, his eyes held so much passion and strength, and willingness. Something about him has me aching for every last bit of him.

Ulrich finally shows up and places his briefcase down on the table, and pulls up a chair. "About time you came." I said. "I called you 3 different times." He rolls his eyes. "I know, I saw. I just didn't wanna bother answering." He replies. I roll my eyes in return to his sassy attitude this morning. "I don't know what crawled up your ass and died, but the attitude needs to go. It's too early." I say in a firm voice. "If you're so upset, look behind you near the area we get our lunch." He says. My head jerks to where he specified. And there he is... him. He's with his friends at a table and sitting nicely with his hands placed on the table neatly.

I place my head down and giggle. "Told you." Ulrich said. "Gosh. He's so fucking pretty." I squealed. "I can't wait to call him my pretty boy." I add. Ashley has arrived and taken a seat next to me. "Let me guess, she's spotted him." She asks. Ulrich nods. She let's out a slight laugh, "That explains why her face is so red." She says laughing now. I look up, and I stare at her, trying not to slap her arm. "I want to talk to him sk bad now that school has started. But it's so scary, but I've talked to him before. So I don't understand!" I yelp, my brother stares at me and shakes his head. "It's the nerves, girl. It's okay. He's a nerd who seems sweet. I don't think he should be intimidating. " I look over at her, and I grin. "When you're in love, the person you have fallen for becomes intimidated. I didn't fall for him, Ashley. I Full on collapsed. Everything g about him has my heart in a knot."

She smiles sweetly. "Maybe Friday you should invite him to an amusement park with me and Ulrich," She says. I shake my head violently. "Haha, I don't think so. It's bad enough I overthink when I text him." I reply. Ian is getting up and placing his bag over his shoulder. "Well, I have to go, see you, later, sis." He says, walking away. "Alright, cya!!" I shout. I look over at Mason, and he catches my glance, and I jerk my body and hit my elbow on the corner of the table. "Mother flip flap!!" I shout. I hear a soft giggle on the other side of the commons, and I just know it's him. Goodness, I'm already embossing myself on the first day back. Just lovely.

It's about that time to head to first period, and I'm not thrilled, although it's my Honors English 2 class, so I'm okay for right now. I take a seat at a table with people I'm aware of and don't typically "scare" me. And I placed my notebook on the table. We have a substitute, that's lovely for it being the first day. I take my notebook and put it back in the bag and take out a pencil in its place. All we have to do is finish our "get to know you" papers. And then later have our parents sign a class syllabus. 1st period is over, and now I have my Academic Decathlon class, which is just a neighbor to this class.

I take a seat next to my classmate Dante and Hank. My luck, because they are friends with Mason. Ms. C has assigned us 5 different packets, it's pretty stressful just looking at it. We have competitions to do, and the closest is October 7th. Gosh, this is gonna be a LONG year with such pressured classes. And on top of that, I have Mason in two of them! Which is fine after all, sorta. Not happy that Jacob and Aiden are in the class too. But imma get used to it, hopefully.

Finally made it through the day, and now I can rest up. I place my bag at the side of my bed and hop in the shower before I hit the hay. It takes me about an hour, 20 minutes in the shower, and 40 minutes blow drying, curling and washing my face. And I tuck myself in and am fast asleep.

Time to make up scenarios of me and pretty boy...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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