(2) unfortunately?

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The next day Delilah woke up to see a message on her phone from none other than William Lee Adams. He said that he would like to do a quick interview for wiwiblogs about eurovision. Obviously she responded straight away saying yes.


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Liked by wiwibloggs, alessandram02, joker_out_official and 5,000 more

delilahblair everyone go watch my interview for wiwiblogs!

alessandramo2 i can not wait to see you perform ❤️
liked by delilahblair

bojan_cvjecticanin Unfortunately?
bellathomas That's what i was saying!!

wiwibloggs So happy we got to interview you.
liked by delilahblair

user55 I love you

William: Hello everyone, today I am joined with the lovely Delilah Blair to talk about Eurovision.

Delilah: Hey!

William: First of all how are you feeling about representing the UK?

Delilah: I am a bit nervous about performing but I am excited to meet all the other contestants.

William: And which songs from eurovision 2023 are your favourites at this moment?

Delilah: I've said this so many times already but  I love Queen of Kings by Alessandra and Cha Cha Cha by Käärijä. However Carpe Diem from Joker Out is probably my favourite. I just think it is such a fun song.

William: That's interesting because the guys from Joker Out said that your song was one of their favourites as well.

Delilah: Oh wow that's nice

William: So why did you choose to bring your song 'Nonsense' to Eurovision?

Delilah: Well I thought it was a fun song that people can sing along to and it brings good vibes. I also feel like it is quite relatable since pretty much everyone has had a crush on someone at some point. Another thing is that people really like how I change the ending of my song every time I perform it - which I will try to do at the pre parties.

William: I personally love the song. Lastly,  I've heard rumours about you and Bojan speaking?

Delilah: No those are just rumours unfortunately.

William: I see. Well that's all we have time for today. We can't wait to see you perform and I wish you the best of luck!

Delilah: Thank you very much! Speak to you soon.



I didn't mean it like that


Im serious
Anyway hi I'm Delilah

Hello I'm Bojan
The singer that is 'gorgeous'

Noooo you actually saw that

Don't worry it was cute

Are you performing in Barcelona?

Yes we are
It is exciting

I am finding everything so surreal

I get how you feel
I guess I will see you in Spain then

See you in Spain 🫶


(Ahh first interaction which Bojan)


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