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Liked by bojan_cvjeticanin, bellathomas, noakirel and 13,000 more

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Liked by bojan_cvjeticanin, bellathomas, noakirel and 13,000 more

delilahblair absolutely loved performing in Madrid tonight

bojan_cvjeticanin beautiful picture
delilahblair I know you look stunning 😘
——janpeteh he wasn't talking about that picture

bellathomas can't wait to see you again in London x
liked by delilahblair

user66 Jan's comment 😭

user49 my Eurovision winner right here


Outro from the show in Madrid:

I don't remember last night, tell me what I did
I have a feeling I might have got kissed
It is really crazy in Madrid


They were all walking back to the hotel and Bojan  started putting a voice on like he was Jere.

"Ok. Walk now. We go to place concert. It's crazy it's party."
Delilah bursts out laughing and the camera pans towards her.

Bojan then says "Well stop filming you fucking prick this is private property" in a British accent.

"We sound nothing like that" Delilah laughs

"Yes you do Lilah" he said wrapping his arm around her shoulders. Okay and blushing again Delilah really needs to sort herself out.


Bojan walked Delilah to her room which was close to his. However neither of them seemed to realise this were holding hands part of the way. (I don't even know how you couldn't realise but whatever). Once they reached the door of Delilah's hotel room they stopped and looked at each other. They just smiled nothing more nothing less. And that was it. Delilah went in her room and collapsed onto the bed.
Ahhh I should have just kissed him, wait a minute I don't even like him why would I kiss him? Maybe I do like him? Ughhh

Delilah tried her best to sleep that night but Bojan was the only thing on her mind at that point. She felt like she had to tell him but it would ruin everything if she did. She kept telling herself that they were just casual friends but she couldn't keep lying to herself.

Bella I need serious help
I think I like Bojan but I don't know what to do
I'm freaking out
It is so late at night I can barely think about what I'm doing rn but I needed to say something


After that Delilah fell straight to sleep. Maybe all she needed was to get it off her chest and tell Bella. The only problem was she wouldn't realise until the morning that those messages never went to Bella.


Mystery of Love - Bojan CvjetićaninWhere stories live. Discover now