(22) dublin

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Liked by bellathomas, krisgusti, bojan_cvjeticanin and 90,000 others

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Liked by bellathomas, krisgusti, bojan_cvjeticanin and 90,000 others

delilahblair cute catch up with @bellathomas last night. Sorry to anyone who saw the live 😭

bellathomas love you girl

krisgusti I assume the text I got at 3am was to do with this

bojan_cvjeticanin I'm glad you think I'm sexy
delilahblair Was that not obvious? Have you heard my songs?

user53 I love your friendship sm

user4 you were so drunk it was hilarious


It was finally time for Dublin which was the start of the UK tour, Bella and Delilah just arrived in Ireland at around mid day. They were all planning on just walking around, exploring the city.

The two girls was stood outside the building, waiting for everyone to come down from the flat they were renting. "Are you excited to see him?" Bella asks

"Very" Delilah replied. "Anyway I know the reason you've come with me isn't just because of me"

"Me and Kris are not a thing, stop trying to make it happen"

"Yeah and that's what I used to say too" Delilah laughed. At that moment Joker Out exited the building. Delilah immediately hugs Bojan.

"I've missed you so much" she said looking up at him.

"I've missed you more" he leans down and kisses her.

"What about us?" Jure asks

"I guess I've missed you too" she said "Anyway where are we going"

"We are going to a pub" Jan said

"Sounds good to me" Bella said.

On the way there they get stopped by a fan.
"Are you not holograms, are you for sure?" She said and then looked at Delilah "oh my god I love your new songs and you are so pretty in person"

"Thank you I appreciate it, and besides you are really pretty as well" Delilah said which made the girl smile. She took pictures with them all and they started walking again.

"How come your so nice to everyone?" Bojan asks, holding her hand.

"I guess I just tell people things that I would want to be told, if that makes sense" she responded, Bojan smiled at her response.

Once they got to the pub they all ordered themselves a Guiness.  "Imagine 20 years from now 'dad what does SSF mean?'" Jure asked

"We don't have to tell them" Bojan said

"Come on you won't even tell me!" Delilah said

"Second semi final" jure said

"Super shagadelic footage, super shagadelic Fantasy" Jan says then pauses "slightly sexual footage" and then the camera pans to Delilah and Bojan and they both laugh.


After a while they head back to the flat to get ready for sound check. Bojan and Delilah were sharing a room so they went in there to get changed. "I'm so excited for tonight!" Delilah stated

"What the sex or that you get to perform your new songs?" Bojan asks smirking

"Well I was talking about the second option but I suppose both" she smiled, but all of a sudden they hear a bang from outside the room. "What the hell"

They both walk out to see Jure with a bloody head.


They were now at the workman's pub ready to perform. Delilah was on first followed by Joker Out. Bojan kissed her and said good luck before she walked on stage. Bella waved at her from the wings.

"Hello Dublin" she said into the microphone and the crowd screamed. "Tonight I am going to sing all the songs from the new album so I hope you've been studying the lyrics" she laughed.

She sang the songs in the order of the album, starting with 'boyfriend' and making her way down the list. When she got to 'because I liked a boy' she stopped to speak to the crowd. "Okay so this song is about all the hate that I received after my relationship got leaked. Thank you Jure for that by the way"

After that song she sang 'nothing matters' which was definitely one of her favourites to perform because of how fun it was. She danced around the stage and sung her heart out. After the two songs in between she sung her iconic Eurovision song 'nonsense'.

"When I'm in the bedroom I'm snugglin',
When I'm in the bathtub I'm bubblin',
When I turn him on that dick is Dublin

Thank you so much Dublin I love you" she said as she walks off stage.

(Sabrina's outro btw)


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