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// FRIDAY //


Friday was the last day of the week at school, and the students were equally divided in joy and dread. For some, it meant the weekend and a chance to finally pause and relax. But for others, it meant putting their heads down and trying to finish up the school assignments and projects that had been piling up for days.

The bell rang and the students all headed outside for the weekend. However, Hyewon had other plans. She had planned to go to Yujin's house with her friends so they could all work on their homework there. The group of friends hurriedly made their way to the school's entrance and headed to Yujin's house.

They spotted Yujin's mother preparing food in the kitchen when they got there. Before going upstairs to Yujin's room, his mom welcomed them and they responded by saying hello.

They arrived at yujin's room, eager to do our homework together. They were in the same grade and had the same classes, so it was the perfect opportunity to get some work done and have fun.

The group worked together, discussing the topics they were learning in each of their classes. They took turns asking questions, getting help, and offering advice to each other.


We decided to take a break and chat first after completing almost half of their schoolwork.

"Why can't gunwook come again?" gyuvin asked

"he's at his friends' house doing some project" I then responded

"OH by the way ho-"

Suddenly, yujin's mom walked in, carrying a tray of sliced fruit and packs of chips.

"yujin, baby, could kindly get the juice pitcher and some glasses from the kitchen" his mother said. Yujin's cheeks may have turned red as a result of his mother calling him a baby, as I noticed when I turned to face her.

"MOMMMM" he whined, burying his face into a pillow, hiding his face in embarrassment as we all laughed at his reaction.

Yujin and his mother headed downstairs to get the things she had told him to get downstairs.

Yujin came back with a tray of cups and a pitcher of juice in his hands.

I then questioned, "Oh, what were you supposed to say a while ago, Gyuvin?"

"Ah, I was going to ask about your Wednesday afternoon date with Yujin" 


"IT WASN'T A DATE!" yujin and I both said at the same time

"Eyy, but why are you two blushing." Yuna began to tease pointing at us. I saw the boy sitting next to me was blushing when I turned to face him.

"l-let's just continue doing our homework" yujin suggested, breaking eye contact

"but both of you haven't answered my question yet" gyuvin whined

"yeah, how was your date last Wednesday?" ricky repeated gyuvin's question

"for the second time IT WASN'T A DATE" I then corrected

"whatever, just answer the damn question already" haruto then said, getting impatient in waiting.

What am I even supposed to answer

but before I could even speak yujin then spoke, "It was a nice way to end the day after classes and heavy schoolwork"  "We talked comfortably with each other and even finish three of our homework before leaving"

"well that's not fair, we were supposed to do our homework together" gyuvin whined.

"Okay enough about that, let's continue doing this" I said pointing at the scattered papers on the table.

After hours of homework, we were so happy. We had finally completed everything. Our plan was to go home and get some rest when yujin's mom called us for dinner.

At first, we were hesitant. We didn't want to impose, but when she insisted we decided to stay. She made us feel welcome and after dinner, we shared stories and laughed until late in the night.

"Oh which one of you is hyewon?" his mother asked.

"That would be me, I'm Hyewon, Park Hyewon" I said.

His mother remarked, "Ah so you're hyewon that Yujin has been talking about" she said with a wide smile on her face.

She then pointed at me and said, "There wasn't a day that he didn't mention your name. I've heard a lot of good things about you all, but my baby here mostly talked about you, dear." Her mother then laughed.

"MOMMMM~ you're not supposed to tell those kinds of stuff" yujin then whined at his mother, trying to hide his now red face using his palms while the rest of our friends laughed.

I then blushed and stammered out a response. I was so flustered I could hardly think straight. I felt as if I was being judged or something, so when the topic of conversation changed, I felt relieved.

We chatted and laughed at the table for a long time before it was time to go home.

We thank Mrs. Han for the invitation and the delicious meal and said our goodbyes.

"It was nice meeting you all, feel free to come here again!" 

"good night! walk home safely" yujin then said as he waved us goodbye.

As we walked home, we all felt a bit more cheerful and content than we had before. It was amazing how much of a difference a simple dinner at a friend's house could make.

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