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It was now time for Mr. Lee's class.

Mr. Lee stood at the front of the classroom with a wide smile and an excited gleam in his eye. All the students knew something big was coming.

"Today, class, I'm thrilled to announce our first paired project" Mr. Lee said. "As I said the other week, you will be paired with your deskmates and together you will create a project that will be presented to the class. It can be anything you like - a presentation, a poster, a video, a game, a song, a dance- the choice is yours"

He could feel the room buzzing with energy. Everyone was eager to get started.

"I want you guys to think outside of the box" Mr. Lee continued. "Be creative and come up with something unique. You will be given four weeks to work on it and then you will present your project to the class. You will be graded on your creativity, the quality of your work, and how well you worked together as a pair"

He paused to let the information sink in.

"I know this will be a lot of work, but I'm sure you will all rise to the challenge. So get to it and good luck!"

The whole class erupted into cheers and Mr. Lee smiled. I bet he was excited to see what we could come up with. This would probably be the best project that a teacher that could ever give.

"I'll be giving you my time to talk with your partners and discuss the project"

"so do you wanna meet after class for the project?" I asked yujin.

"yeah sure should we go to the cafe or what?"

"let's go to my house after school" I said as he nodded, agreeing with what I suggested.


We arrived at our house and greeted my mom who was watching kdramas on the TV

"good to see you again yujin, what brings you here?" my mom asked

"I came here to discuss the project that we're going to do, I hope that's okay with you Ms. Park"

"oh please, you'll always be welcome here"

"mom, we'll be going upstairs now"

"I'll give you guys some snack later, good luck with that project of yours!"

we then arrived at my room and my partner, yujin, and I started discussing what we wanted to do. 

"do you want to paint something?" I asked 

"...I don't know how to draw though"

"how about we do a reporting"

"I think that's too plain" "Okay this won't get us anywhere, let's talk about things that we like" the added and I agreed.

We had a lot of ideas thrown around, they started talking about their hobbies. We discovered that we both had a passion for dancing. Finally, we agreed to do a dance presentation.

We were both excited to work together on the project and began setting up a plan. After hours of brainstorming ideas, We finally settled on a dance presentation that would showcase our skills and talent.

We found some YouTube videos of dances for ideas and began to think of some moves.

A few hours later, we heard a knock and saw gunwook with freshly baked cookies and two glasses of iced tea in his hand. 

"why are you two all sweaty??" he asked with an unreadable expression on his face

"we're thinking of dance moves for our project"

"okay good luck I guess" "if you guys want more cookies just go downstairs" he said then left.

"let's take a break first" I said and took the tray that gunwook left. 

I took a sip of the drink and gave yujin the other as we shared the plate full of cookies.

"so how long have you been dancing?" I asked in curiosity

"hmm... since middle school, what about you?"

"since I was 5, I took classes with gunwook and gyuvin" I replied

"ahh, well gyuvin and ricky are probably going to do a dance presentation as well"

"not sure about that, ricky prefers singing that dancing so we'll never know" 

"you mentioned that you can sing as well right?" I then asked.

"yeah, why?"

"do you like dancing or singing more?"

"I like both, but I guess I'm more confident with my dancing skills than my singing skills" he replied 

"can I hear you sing?" I asked as I looked at him

"hmm... maybe sometime" he replied with a warm smile on his face.

"I'm looking forward to it"

"shall we continue practicing?" he asked, not breaking eye contact as he gave out his hand

I immediately accepted his hand stood up from where I was sitting and nodded "sure"



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