♡ 14 ♡

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Yujin and I had been preparing for this day for weeks. We had choreographed an intricate and ambitious dance to show off our skills to the class. We selected music that was upbeat and catchy, and we practiced until our moves were polished to perfection.

The butterflies in my stomach were going wild as we arrived at school. We changed into our clothes and headed to the social hall where Mr. Lee instructed us to go. As we entered the room, I could feel the eyes of the class on us.

All of them were busy practicing and discussing what they were going to present in a few minutes. 


Mr. Lee stood in front of the room holding a bowl with pieces of paper in it. All the students in the class were eagerly awaiting what was about to happen.

Mr. Lee cleared his throat before speaking. "I will be picking a piece of paper from this bowl to determine the first pair to present their project" he said. Everyone was on the edge of their seat, anxiously waiting to see who would be chosen first.

Mr. Lee slowly reached into the bowl and pulled out a piece of paper. He unfolded it and read the name written on it aloud. "The first pair to present their project will be" he paused for a moment, "gyuvin and ricky"

"You're bad luck" I heard ricky whisper behind our back which made me giggle.

They both then start to make their way to the stage and started to present. 

Mr. Lee was feeling quite satisfied after the smooth running of his presentation. 

The presentations went on smoothly, the presentation began with a few of the pairs singing a song they had written. Then, a few of the others displayed their photography skills, showing off some of their best shots. Next, a few of them presented some paintings they had made.

"The last pair is... Hyewon and Yujin!"

Everyone in the room then turned their attention to our direction. We stood up and slowly walked to the front of the room and made eye contact. We both wished each other good luck before I turned on the music. Mr. Lee smiled at us as we began to show our moves.

(refer to the video above)

The song was one that we both liked and we began to dance. Our moves were in-sync and we felt like we were in our own world. As we were performing, I could hear cheers from our classmates and a louder cheer from the back of the room. When I glanced back, I saw our friends standing and cheering us on.

As I took Yujin's hands in mine, I felt a flutter of butterflies in my stomach, and I could feel my cheeks flush. We had been practicing all week, but this was the first time we had actually danced together.

Every time our eyes met and every time his hands were on me, I felt my heart skip a beat. I couldn't help but admire his warm brown eyes and the way his smile lit up the room. I had never felt this way before.

As we moved together, I felt like I was in a dream. I was so caught up in the moment, I almost forgot that we were performing. I could feel the connection between us, and I knew that this was something special.

When the routine was over, we both had huge grins on our faces. We had done it! I couldn't believe what had just happened. I had never felt so alive.

We then heard loud cheers and claps around the room. We took a glance at Mr. Lee, who was standing, clapping his hands with a big smile on his face. His eyes were filled with pride and admiration for our hard work and the performance we had put on.

We bowed in unison and stepped off the stage. As we walked off, Yujin and I glanced at each other, knowing that all our hard work had paid off. We had achieved something together that we could be proud of.

I felt like a completely different person. I couldn't help but smile as I thought about the butterflies in my stomach every time I made eye contact with Yujin. I knew now that this was something I wanted to explore even further.

"You both did really well, not gonna lie" haruto said.

Mr. Lee congratulated us after the presentation was over, and complimented us all for doing such a good job. He even said that some of us had good chemistry. I couldn't help but feel like he was looking at Yujin and me when he said this. I blushed and looked away, while Yujin smiled.

After the compliment, Mr. Lee dismissed us, and we all left the classroom. As we walked out, Yujin and I exchanged a knowing look. We both knew that Mr. Lee had noticed how well we worked together. We were both proud of ourselves for doing such a great job, and we both knew that we had great chemistry.

"you did well, partner"

"I could say the same thing to you, yujin" 

"wanna grab ice cream before we go home?" He asked

I was about to reply when I felt someone's presence at our back and put their arms around our shoulder, "I ship you both but there's no way that we aren't coming with you both, now, let's get ice cream!" gyuvin excitedly said, making me blush that made me turn to my other side.

Sweet Dream || Han Yujin ✓Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant