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The soft bell above the door chimed to let the staff know someone had arrived. I inhaled deeply, savoring the pleasant smell of coffee and the familiar scent of freshly baked goodies.

The customers' quiet murmuring and the occasional giggle from those we passed by filled the air as we passed.

We sat down in the cafe's back area, which has a "reserved" sign posted there.

Two months passed by, and my friends and I had been studying for exams at Yujin's mom's cafe for the past few weeks now. It was the perfect place for us to study since it was quiet and the snacks were good.

We had been using the cafe as our study place and had become almost like family with the owners. Yujin's mom would always make sure we were well-fed and even prepared us special dishes whenever we asked for them, and by 'we' I meant gyuvin. 

Exams were only two days away and the pressure was really getting to us. We had to make sure we were ready for the upcoming day.

We had books and notes strewn all over the table, and we were all trying our best to make sense of the material. We talked through our topics, trying to figure out which areas were most important and which ones we could skip over. We discussed possible test questions and strategies for answering them.

We stayed up late into the night, studying and reciting facts until our brains felt like mush. We would take breaks every now and then, just to rest our minds and eat some of the snacks Yujin's mom had prepared for us.

"Do we really have to study all this?" gyuvin whined

"I'm tired, my brain doesn't have enough storage to keep all this information" ricky said

"wait... you have a brain?" 

"I swear gyuvin if you won't stop I'll kick your╴"

yuna cut him off, "can you two please not argue just this once" 

After hours of intense studying, my friends and I in the study group were all feeling drained. We had been at the cafe since early afternoon, and it was already past nine, and the cafe is also closing.

We all agreed to call it quits when gunwook texted me, offering to come pick me up so that I wouldn't have to walk alone so I quickly agreed.

"hyewon do you want me to accompany you home? It's not safe for you to walk home by yourself this late at night" yujin offered, his eyes full of concerns

"no need, gunwook is coming to pick me up" I replied.

My friends and I said our goodbyes and made our way out of the cafe. Gunwook had already arrived and was waiting outside. We said our farewells again and began to make our way home.

When we arrived home after a long day, I was exhausted and ready to go to sleep. I thanked gunwook for picking me up and went inside.

"That ain't for free though, you owe me bubble tea" he said with a cheeky smile on his face.


// EXAMS //

We all wanted to do well, so we all agreed to come to school early on the day of the exams to review together.

When I arrived at school, I was surprised to see all of them already gathered in the classroom. We had all come early to get in some last-minute studying.

We then quickly got to work, going over the material they had been studying. As we went over the material, we discussed the topics and made sure that we had a good understanding of each concept.

After a few hours of studying, I felt a little confident that we are all prepared for the exams.

"good luck" the person sitting next to me said.

"good luck to you too, yujin"

The clock ticked slowly as the minutes passed. It felt like an eternity, but I was finally down to the last part of our last exam.

just a few more minutes and then we're free

The feeling of liberation was palpable. Even though we were sitting in the same stuffy classroom, I could feel the energy in the air. Everyone was desperate to be done, to put their pencils down and be done with exams for good.

My head was spinning with excitement as I finished the last question. I was relieved, but also anxious. I had worked so hard for this moment, and now that it had come, I wanted to make sure I did my best.

I went over my answers and checked them multiple times before I finally submitted my paper. The feeling of accomplishment was immense as I passed my paper to the professor. It was over. We had made it.

"FREE AT LAST" gyuvin shouted

My friends and I hugged each other tightly, our hearts racing with joy. We were done! We were finally free!

We said goodbye to our teacher and the exam room and left the building.

The sun was shining outside, and the birds were chirping. It was a beautiful day and the perfect ending to a long and arduous journey. We were all exhausted, but we were also filled with a newfound sense of freedom.

"I'm starving, let's grab something to eat" ricky 

"let's go to my house after" I said.

"sounds like a plan"

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