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I woke up from some aggresive shaking by someone and as I open my eyes I saw no one rather than Han Jisung my best friend.He always comes to my cove to either hangout,swim with dolphins,sharks,etc or to do some digging about land and humans.

As I woke up fully I adjusted my eyes through the light coming from the sun above and sat up with my blue green gem-ish tail falling down on the side of my bed.
Oh and to introduce myself.Hi!My name is Lee Felix I'am a mermaid and I live at my small cove with my best friend Han Jisung also called my neighbor next cove.I also used to live at the Australian sea but left since I had a bad past,now I'am here living my best life with my best friend tho its not quite fully best since I am so eager to learn something...and that something is forbidden to all mermaid..Learning and exploring the above land and the humans.

"Han why did you have to wake me up so early..."I said with my groggy morning voice kinda sounding annoyed I mean who wouldn't?you were having a rough night and the next EARLY MORNING you were awaken by some aggresive shaking.
"Don't you remember?!"Han shouted and acted offended in a very dramatic way,by putting his hand on his chest clutching it and opening his mouth shock as if we just swam away from a not so nice shark.
"IT'S OUR LAND AND HUMAN DIGGING TODAY DUMMY"Han says shouting in his british accent which made me giggle at how he imitates british people.
Me and Han always had this week where we will swim up to shore peek our heads,or sit down at a small rock just to observe what humans do then while observing we write it down our notebooks.We sometimes come up early since we don't want people to see us.If we get too tired we go to a small golf and sing there or just rest.

"Ofcourse Han I remember I just had a rough night thats why I couldn't wake up early"I said in a tired voice but added a small smile."Just  give me a minute to get ready okay?"I said to him and he nods in return.

I swam my way out of my bed and go to my desk where I usually fix myself.As I got there I sat down and took a sea comb out and start brushing my hair,after I was done brushing I got my small bag ready just added my notebook,pen and other more stuffs.I got up in my sitting position,got a mint leaf and plopped it in my mouth.I got my way back to Han and we started swimming away till we reach our destination.

"Okay so where should we observe them when we get there?"I asked Han not sure since we sometimes go to the golf or the small rock."Hmm maybe at the small rock?It has a better view,as long as we don't get caught."Han answers me back and continued swimming.After a 10 minute swim we got to our destination.We sat down at the small rock and started our observing.A while has passed and we got alot of information written in our notebooks already.

"Should we go now?Humans will start swimming in a minute now."Han asks me since I was writing one more thing on my notebook."Yeah sure just give me a second."After doing so I packed my things and got ready to swim.
"Hey do you notice that boy always goes to that deck?"Han asks me all of a sudden,now that he's mention it"Yeah I do what do you think he writes there?"I answers as I looked to the direction of where the boy is and stared at him for a moment.
"What if he writes the same as us?Y'know what if he is interested in the sea?Like a sea person."Han says and starts smiling widely."Why are you smiling all of a sudden?"I ask look at him in a confused face."Don't you get it?!?"Han simply shouts right at my ear which I'am not surprised that he will do such a thing since he always does this.

"Lixie if we get to be friends or even talk to him we can know more about the human world!and better we will have a human friend!!"Han said excitedly as his scales are shining.Yes mermaids scale glow once we get excited,happy or inlove.

"But Han you know what will happen if we get to close to humans..."I told Han and looked at him with a worried face and he looks back at me with a small smile on his face."Lixie listen to me..not all humans are bad you know?"Han answers me with a reassuring smile.
"I got something to tell you but promise me you will never tell ANY  and I mean ANY mermaid not even our friends.."Han suddenly blurts out,I looked at him and nodded my head as response,Once we got to my cove me and him sat down on my bed and I noticed that he was almost tearing up.

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