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The three travelers woke up early to get ready since another adventure awaits.One of them is getting anxious and that guy is Felix.He is getting worried because of the dream he had last night.

I woke up in the middle of the sea almost lifeless.I looked up to see a small light shimmering above.As I swam to it I could feel my chest feel heavier,the closer I got above the heavier my chest felt.Once I reached the above I looked around and saw land.I swam to it and when my tail touched the sand I suddenly felt like falling.My eyes got heavier I tried keeping them open but failed,once I opened my eyes I looked around to see where I was.After getting a good check on where I'am I figured that this is the golf I used to hang out with Han,Minho,Yeji and lastly my love Hyunjin.I crawled my way to the corner of the small cave and laid my back there feeling exhausted all of a sudden.I panted hard and I don't know why.Then suddenly I see two people coming inside I tried moving but I couldn't when they got in I saw Hyunjin with someone else...A boy...A really beautiful one.I watched as they talked but I couldn't understand them it was like almost gibberish.After watching them one move caught my eyes and broke my heart.Hyunjin leaned in and kissed the boy.Then one word came out of his mouth...the only word I understood.

I love you.And I don't care how you look.I will never leave you.

My heart shattered and I do not know why.I tried taking a good look at the boy he kissed,but all I could see was he had blonde hair thats all the rest of his face was blurred.I shouted at them saying"DON'T LEAVE ME HYUNJIN I'M STILL HERE..."I cried and cried until I felt my vision become blurry.And I woke up full of sweat and tears

It was just a dream...

As Felix thought of the dream he had he was at the very edge of crying again.

What if he already found someone else?

What if he found someone better?

What if he already forgot about me?

Those words kept repeating in his mind.Felix had told his friends about his dream,ofcourse his friends comforted him by saying

Lix he will never leave you..

From the way you talked about him to me he is a nice guy who will never leave your side..

Plus its only been a day Lix i'm sure he misses you instead of forgot about you.

And it did make Felix calm down but he is still worried.A lot of what ifs came to his mind and that's what made him anxious.Felix took one last deep breath before swimming at the same pace of his two friends who are busy laughing probably talking about jokes.

After an hour they have encountered their 3rd challenge.The horror of the whirlpool..


According to Seungmins story about this.The horror of the whirlpool it is a very strong current that will pull you down and suffocate you from its strong gust of wind swirling around like a whirlpool.Nobody has succeded this part of the challenge they have to go through some mermaids tail have been ripped because of this..Just thinking about it it's making me shake in nervousness.We knew we were very close to it because of the cold water hitting our scales.

Me,Hannie and Minnie took deep breathes holding eachothers hand looked at eachother and shouted


As we shouted that we swam in the current and the stories are real it really is strong...My hand started slipping through Hans hand,when I started screaming for help Han looked back at my hand and pulled me towards him making my grip to his hand become stronger.

{~My little mermaid~}{~HyunLix~}Where stories live. Discover now