Lucky to have you but not him..

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As I placed Felix in my old rooms bed I took this chance to look at his face I'm not a creep it's just that he has this aura that makes me wanna stare at him for hours..his beauty is unreal...

I kissed his lips and forehead then went to the bathroom to take a quick shower just to freshen me up.After doing so,I slipped in my bed and tucked me in with Felix.I hugged his small waist,I notice that he was shifting so much and looks like he is sweating.



"Lixie wake up you're having a nightmare"

After a few seconds of shaking him gently and lightly he woke up rubbing his eyes and adjusting his sight to the lights of the room."Jinnie..It feels hot.."Felix says shrugging his body"Lixie the air conditioner is at twenty-four..maybe you're still adjucting to the human world.Y'know because water is cool and wet here on land you are dry and warm"I explain,he whines for a second then sighs"I feel"he says while touching his skin as I replied"Sweaty?sticky?"And he nods.

"Wanna take a shower?I MEAN NOT WITH ME OFCOURSE"I say explaining as he giggles when I say the last phrase"But I don't know how to shower.."He says

"I mean I can help you.You can get in the bathtub I'll give you the shampoo,conditioner,soap,toothbrush,toothpaste anything that you need to take a bath.I won't look tho"I say and he nods while smiling pulling me out of bed to show him where the bathroom is.

Once we got there Felix removed his clothes and got inside the tub.I gave him the shampoo as he follows the instructions I give him now the soap."Jinnie can you help me with the back..?"Felix says hesitantly I can tell that he is embarrassed and I just walk over to him and rubs his back with soap.

"So how is it"I ask"How is what?"he questions"How do you like being human and living on land?"I ask specifically"Oh well it is lovely!Tho I don't like it when I sweat.."He says and I smile happy that he likes being here on land.

"Okay you're all done now I will give you a towel dry yourself with it and wrap it around your body.I will get you clothes in my closet okay?"I say as he nods and takes the towel from me.I walk over to my closet and chose my white t-shirt and some sweatpants that are small,don't ask how I somehow accidentally ordered some smaller ones instead of my size.I also got him some new briefs and gave it to him inside the bathroom.After he changed I looked at him smirking,my shirt is too big for him exposing his collarbone to shoulder.

We went back to my bed and cuddled eachother to sleep.

I wish this would last forever


I woke up feeling cold I wa still processing where I'am,then I remembered that Minho said that we will sleep at Hyunjins house so Im guessing this is his.

I looked over to my side expecting to find Minho but no he was not with me.I was worried where he have gone so I went down stairs trying my best to keep my balance stable and keeping quiet.I peeked my head over the stairs and saw Minho smiling his phone in his ear so I suppose he is in a call.

But then I heard him say this...

"Aww I love you too hunny..I will be back just wait a little longer okay?hm okay bye love you"

My eyes widen tears filling up making my vision blurry.

I was played with..

My feelings..

You knew this was coming..

But yet you still loved him..

But he was so nice to me..

{~My little mermaid~}{~HyunLix~}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora