Special A/n Dos

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Evidently people are upset about the censorship that just got patched in for Skullgirls. Yeh. That sudden need for censorship is kind of dumb. Especially in this setting.

We have a ninja nurse combo, a schoolgirl outfit, Cerebella (because just her is enough to explain it), a cat girl, a nun (part of the time), one of the goddesses being dressed in lingerie as her default costume, an Egyptian blood person known to bathe (blood mostly), a red headed princess in a small dress, a zombie with THICC HIPS, and the biggest one of them all...

Beowulf, that HIMBO of a character exists. Of course this series has a lot of sexual themes. Why wouldn't it? They already toned it down years ago when they were designing Filia (look it up, those older animations were SUSPECT as hell).

And we already changed Valentine's emblems to avoid copyright with the Red Cross. Couldn't they have simply changed the color scheme of the armband? Or did we forget that the color tool is a thing?

It wouldn't be so bothersome if this was early on, but this game has been out for years in several generations of consoles. Why NOW specifically? That's the thing that rubs me the wrong way, how only NOW that it's an issue to remove or redo scenes in the story mode of a game old enough to be in college?

Skullgirls is not an innocent game by any stretch of the word. It had bite in both it's design aesthetic and story beats. This just seems like a small thing to SEEM like they're inoffensive while changing so little about gameplay it barely even is worth doing it in the first place.

Anyway...that's it. That's my two cents on that news. I got a story to tell after all; an overdue chapter tbh.

At the very least Marie looks cool...vacuum weapons...uh, anyways. *ahem*


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