Fallen City.../Skullgirl Marie

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Generally speaking, New Meridian was quiet this time of night. Kind of beautiful as well, given how unlikely that was. Truly, at face value it is quite the destination, almost reminding me of those records of an older North America. This was similar, yet different; I think it was around what they called, the '1940s'. If this was originally not meant to be modern, I guess how the Skullgirl affected such a population was the closest to a, how you say, reset. Like Rome, an empire technologically advanced, yet once it fell, all those advancements were forever lost.

We're lucky we aren't too far behind as to suffer in darkness. But the seven year cycle has got us at a stalemate, progress wise. Hm...this city is almost like a pretty face. At first glance, a masterpiece, but dig deeper, you find true villainy. And that seven year cycle was being felt by Percival.

See, I was simply trying to find New Meridian's main base for the Egrets. But my living weapon kept buzzing in my head about this energy...and know I have a good guess as what it might be. Skullgirl.

"Oh dear...this may be a little harder than I anticipated..." I looked around, as I found that the tower ahead of us was now being suspended. The energy was focused somewhere there...so it may be a good spot; I may not have a second chance. "Alright. Percival...let us begin,"

With the full armor being equipped, alongside my weapons, I ran forward, as the building began to scrape against it's surroundings. Blue veins were wrapping, and becoming more and more common, as rubble was tumbling around us from above.

Ahead, the biggest chunk ready to crush an unfortunate child and her...wait...isn't that...

Without a thought, I sprinted towards them, hopping over them with my shield raised up. The impact of several kilograms of rock and mortar made contact. Percival ignited the shield in a holy light, breaking apart until dust and pebbles were left behind.

"Princess Parasoul Renoir?" I looked to them. I guess they didn't expect me to show up, a foreigner.

"A Chess Knight..?" Parasoul blinked, still holding onto the smaller one. Turning, I noticed various men in brown or greenish uniforms. They all seemed to have an emblem of an umbrella on their arms. Oddly, it made me...uncomfortable what they reminded me of; France still has various history classes...especially about that era. "Adam...take Umbrella back to the saferoom,"

"Again? But I want to see the fight!" The pink haired girl yelled, but was pulled by the man known as Adam.

"Ignoring her...name and purpose, Chess Knight,"

"Aron Duval. 115th Regiment, your grace. Technically I'm on leave...but this seemed more important, madameoiselle," As they were being dragged away, I pointed towards the epicenter. I could barely make out what was there, but I guessed a younger maiden. Sadly, it isn't uncommon for the youth to take a wish from that cursed object.

A few explosions of blue fire escaped from the rafters of the area. The ground was slowly releasing the newest addition of the Skullgirl's arsenal; undead warriors. Shambling corpses of the victims across the years. I knew of them...my family dealt with the Contiellos before...their wish made the horde a common appearance.

"Hm. Fine. Men, this Chess Knight is with us from now on!" She knew enough to let me aid in this battle. My armor allowed me to fight these things properly. And she already saw what I could do when I practically saved them both.

"Who was the little one, if I may ask,"

"My sister...I don't know how, but she always seems to get into these skirmishes...I really hope she learns to stay put," Parasoul explained, but shook her head; her militant roots would be in effect. "Molly! Sitrep!"

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