mind In a bubble . k5

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The next Moring rised the sun coloring the sky with beautiful colors and the strong rays of the sun hitting inch it could touch including First's condo, waking up the owner of the house who was seen to be cuddling with a another body on the sofa as a blanket softly wrapped around them, First steadily tryed to wiggle out and placed a pillow aside a peacefully sleeping tung so he can go fresh up but before he goes to do so . . . he turned back.

The sun now shined on khaotung's face like heaven calling it's beauti up, he was hugging the pillow First had set for him, his face squishing on the soft fabric making him look as innocent as the angels, chest rising up and down slowly. Lushes lips parted a small opening, It was sight that he would fucking want to see every morning. First smirked not a hungry one but rather a soft smirk "sleeping beauty" was the only thing he whispered to him self before going to shower. While his body was getting warm with the water the other awoke.

Eyes blinked gently, slightly shifting from his position khaotung woke up, he was still dazed from his sleep his half lidded pupils looked around and groan escaping his lips taking off the soft sheet that had once warped around him. He looked at the mess that they had made that is.... the bowls of chips and snacks scattered nothing out of the ordinary. (What were you thinking) he lifted his body to stretch him self out , doing quick exercises and just has he finished, there came straight from the bathroom doors a tall figure with his body being cover with droplets of water streaming down his chest to his abs and a tight Balck towel warped around his waist. He swifty pushed the wet hair out of his face making it perfect available to see all his alluring features, but khaotung just stood there looking at him with demand, his face was beaming hot pink that it would put the colour itself to shame.

Khaotung's eye traced every part of his body he gulped when his eyes lingered down his waist band, he bit his lips out of frustration, while First just looked at him with sweet eyes smiling purely but inside we was smirking at the sight looking like a pure devil hiding in the dark shadows. "Y-yo-you should get dressed First w-we will be late" he couldn't even bare to look at him properly he knew that if he did First was most likely to do something to embarrass him, he fast tracked his way to the bathroom room and shut it with loud thud. He slid down the door he had just closed sighing from the sight he just saw, his eyes shut trying to breath calmly trying not to think of any thing or any persisting thought "stop , please just fucking stop beating hard like this" he whispered loud to him self, It was that thumping of heart again it wouldn't go down nor would his thoughts.

-kiss me- -touch me , do me- all these thoughts were roaming in his head, he hated it, hated every thought he had, how could I think of my best friend like this, I'm such a slut ugh fuck what will he think of me, his own best friend waiting to be touched I'm disgusting how can I even have such gruesome thoughts. "Tung- tung you ok in there" he heard the soothing voice "y-yeah , yeah I'm fine. . . Ha you can go dress first don't worry about me" khaotung was at the verge to hitting himself but he didn't, he didn't wanna worry a guy who was already worried. "Ok then...." But First was unsure of this answer, after all he knew khao was person who liked to lock his feelings not because he didn't trust him, but the fear of losing first was high, First knew about it but still gave tung space so he knew he wasn't forced to let out his feelings.

Later khaotung heard foot steps faint away, he showerd with the warm water at least hot water could cool him off a little. He hopped out to be greeted with a already smiling and dressed First, he was wearing a black red signed shirt and some Balck pants, and to show back his politeness he to broke into a sad yet small smile. First looked at khaotung, his figure was even smaller than before and knew something had happened but tung but he was not ready to say it, "you can change na, I will go wait in the car so we won't be late" and the smaller just nodded in response. His head still heavy from the thoughts roaming round. Tung went to First's closet, after all he did have some of khao's clothes since he visits there quite often. He put on his red crop top which came right above his abdomen and some jeans. The jeans had gotten tighter on his thighs but he didn't mind, sometimes he liked clothes that fit him.

First saw khaotung running towards the car with his tote bag, he had a. . . Somewhat of a smile mixed with a oh- looking face, First lowered the window to call out "hop in" so tung did, they both were seated in the car, giving each other cute smiles. First was at the drivers seat making tung passenger princes- ..prince, passenger prince. They hit the road of the studios. Actually first n khao had a meeting about a new series where every loved couple had to act called ourskyy2 where there part was "The Eclipse" and they had to discuss about what there gonna do for there part , plus the director had also promised them some shabu (hotpot) so who wouldn't wanna go.

~there is a song called "call me" by krist u can play it while reading~

Khaotung turned on the Bluetooth and played songs jamming, singing together and there body's move to the beats of the current song, It was "call me" by krist, "chep muearai ko thon mana thon ma~ , maichai mo tae cha kho yiaoya" they both sang out loud, it was a activity they both loved doing, it made khao rest his mind a little from everything that happened, and helped them to cheer up if anything was worng or going bad, "mhh, khao just like the song says, you can call me any time every time I know even though I'm not a doctor I will still support you hm" every letter every words coming out of his lips were kind enough to make any one melt and it galdly melted tung to. A hand was placed right in top First's hand which were placed on the gear. It was khaotung's, he looked and first with the most serene and beautiful lips stretched out in a smile, he had a painful yet tranquil look in his eyes. "Thank you... I hope you also will First" he assured First who just smiled back at him contented and pleased with his answer, and both of them head to the studio to get there work done.

~things are changing, khaotung's thoughts are paining him, First want him to open but the fear of losing first keeps eating khao , what will he do?...~

Did you feel it, clenching of the his heart as he disgrades him self, my capybas do you think he will speak his heart out or keep hiding in this painful bubble, I hope you liked it (This actually is my experiences that I have felt) >< take care na and also drink wuta (⁠ ⁠T⁠_⁠T⁠)⁠\⁠(⁠^⁠-⁠^⁠ ⁠)

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