lips on mine . k11

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They were in the car, khaotung was discharged early because.......First was getting restless and uh he kinda begged. Like always he decides to put some music on to light up the mood, the music wasn't hip hop or high beats, it was more on the softer side he played "we feel in love in October" by gurl in red. Both of them liked the soft notes and tune it had, First wanted to talk but. Looking at khaotung he didn't seem so ready, he faced to the window looking at the view outside but. . . .his face, his face didn't have a smile like he always used to. He had straight clam like look, it was hard to read, it felt like he was doubting himself but then you never know. The song kept playing and the sun was bright as always, trees zooming though, some cars some people passing by but that eerie silence broke when the smaller started to sing "at lest I know . . . I am here to stay~" soon first followed "we fell in love inn October~" "that's why . . I love flowers",  "looking at~ the stars . . . Admiring from afar~". First looked at tung a clam smile on his face he knew the lyrics he was singing we're more than true. He was doing exactly like the word he just said, admiring khao from the little distance that they had, but still kept his eyes on the road. After all they had to be careful, khaotung looked at First, eye's lit by a bit of hope and they sang together this time "you will be my girl, my girl, my girl" and he was smiling, the smaller was smiling but his eyes were also welling up, tears broke down past those cheeks. His smile still contained, his lips were twitching trying not to frown and cry hard, but his body was already weak, it wouldn't listen to him "I missed you . . . . .I missed so must First" he let him self go, cry his pain, looking at the taller, tung held his arm a way to show him that he didn't want to part with First in any away.

First was worried, why was tung crying, did he do anything wrong, was he driving fast. He looked at a bridge and halted the car in a mid way at the side of the bridge (think of it as bridge they were on in ourskyy2 hm :>) "what happened tung, was I fast, I can go slower, do you feel unwell, I'm here tung, you can tell me" tension was written all over his face and Khao just shook his head, hugged First tightly, he sniffed the faint cologne that was still lingering on fir's neck, that soothed him. It always did. First was patting his back, cooing words of affirmation "it's ok tung I'm here na, I will take care of you, you can do this, my strong boy" khaotung chucked at the last sentence First said, the clear little fluid from the corners of his eyes were now gone, annnd there were tear stains on First's shirt, but he doesn't care. Khao looked at the man in front, pursed lips appeared in a smile, his wet lashed eyes blink at First and soon chuckles follow "strong boy, really fir. Hahah were you inspired by pond in the LOL fan meet" Fir blushed realizing what he said and looked away "wellll~" "hahahah dummy" "at lest you smiled naa, that means it worked" he looked back at First being all cute "uh uh~ I will give it to you" the taller laughed, that same laugh soon to become a smirk when suddenly the taller came close to khaotung who was adjusting him self himself to sit properly, but he was pulled back when First came full face on him, stunned was the only thing he could feel, he couldn't move, all his muscles tensed with such unexpected action, eyes wide open body still as water. Khaotung always loved to tease the older one. Flirting with him, tease little touches, even as far as husky and low voiced coos of the tallers name in his ear, all of this did things to First. Things that he couldn't explain in words, a emitted heat rushed though his skin when the smaller did theses little things . . . And now it was his turn.

First looked at the baffled tung who wasn't even moving a inch, heck even breathing. A small smirk plastered on his lips, while the so stunned khaotung was so busy looking at the man who decived him of him body, First's hand traveld to clutch on the seat belt drawing it to the smaller's body securing him and clipping the the belt. Khaotung soon realizes what the older was trying to "you-" "shuuuu, close your eyes and rest" pink tint across his face, he didn't have words for what First did. Who could blame him, First was never the one who started the tease test like khaotung did. Rest of the drive was silent, no music no chit chat. Just the peaceful sound of the car speeding, and someone's soft breathing pattern it was tungs. He had fallen a sleep, something he desperately needed and the car seats are comfortable,so to him  a perfect second bed he would call it. First was driving in moderate a speed, not to fast not to slow, so he doesn't wake up the angel beside him.

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