sunsets upon you . K13

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Water was rushing with the movement of the boat , khaotung was so anticipated on what's gonna happen, there destination looked quite familiar but then the route was kinda like. . . .First was trying to beat time but why??. Didn't he say he has something important to tell, so important that he even was ready to miss lunch for then why.

The sky was still at it's point but bit down where the orangish and redish colors started to paint on them, cotton candy like clouds decored the sky. The sky was just as perfect as the boy looking at it First would say, he never took his eyes away from tung, admiring his beautiful from afar, inside it felt like a new sunflower grew in his heart a sunflower whose sun was khaotung and where ever khaotung is that's where the sunflower would look, that's how he felt. How First felt

But there was one thing that the sunflower was afraid of . . . .it was confessing. Confessing about his love for the sun. He was sacred the sun would go down and the sunflower would lose its life, each petal falling in pain, but still he never gave up, he wouldn't go down without a fight. There destination was close and both of them could see the beautiful island, the island that was there's, there favorite spot to hangout and have fun, a place only they both knew. First lowered the boat speed as they were approaching the land, it looked amazing. Tall green trees and different bushes with pretty colored flowers decorated it everywhere, the wet sand clashed with the dry one giving it a perfect blend with the water looking so clear as ever something only in dream land.

He stoped the boat at a small wood patio that they built so the boat would stay fixed in a place, First got of to tie the ropes and secure it, while he was doing so the smaller one got up a little shaky from the boats movement but fir came to help, he lent his hand to the smaller who was about to fall and a cheeky smile on his face "shall we go" tung took his hand a pink smile for First being a Gentleman. Hand in hand both boys were walk on the beach side, sand being kicked around by khao, the cold winds running though them as they swinged there hands in the air like 2 kindergarten children together. A pure moment of joy which felt like a dream . . . .but the dream rushed to reality soon when First suddenly halted mid way while khao went a few step ahead and realized ....that First wasn't holding his hand anymore.

"Khaotung" that tone . . . .he knew something was up, First voice sounds glum, khao couldn't look back, he didn't want to look back. Sacred of what First is going to say next "khao please look at me" . . . . tung had closed his eyes, his body was shaking form thinking what's next but then the way how First sounds, his voice that of a soft pure child, how can he deny to that voice. His body slowly turned towards the taller but his face was still down. He didn't know what to say or do, he could only stand and listen to the other. First took few steps closer bring him and khaotung close, the boy could feel First approaching him, his body getting more and more closer.

First hooked his fingers gently on tung chin, lifting it up so he could clearly he khaotung's face. Eyes shined like a thousand stars, cute button nose and those red lips that curled beautifully into a smile, soft cheek that looked adorable when squished and those eyelashes that flutterd when he gave his best puppy eyes. Khaotungs face alone would kill the taller if they were in a match. How every single time he looked at the other, the more cuter and pretty he got. The more in love he fell.

"I get jelous when your with someone when I'm not around, the more closer I get with you the more this heart pounds" First took tung's hand placing them right where his heart was pounding so rapidly for him. Khaotungs eyes widened from the feeling. "And I tried to make it stop but I can't help this feeling and this sound. To me your like an angle khaotung, a million thoughts run through my head when your close, I love you tung and it's ok if you don't want to be something more" eyes brimmed with tears he was looking and the boy who said words that made him feel more than butterfly's, how even after everything the taller still had that alluring smile that no one can snatch from him

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