I'm right here . K10

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The hand grabbed khaotung's waist and pulled the wet body back to the boat he came in, khaotung was woozy, head spinning like a cartoon character. All fogged up the slight pain still there, tung couldn't think straight (cuz ur not) nor see the person who saved him. The dizziness along side with the existing bruises he had affected his brain processes which made him unable to speak, "KHAOTUNG WHAT WERE U THINK, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT, WHY WOULD YOU TAKE UR OWN LIFE . . . . tung- tung can you hear me" soft tears were building around his face . . . Khaotung realized the voice, that tender clam voice always brought him back to earth, even though he couldn't he tried hard to speak " .... F-first . . . .h-how" his voice was breaking, his fragile body tried to stay strong for the man who saved him. He weakly bought his hand to caress the cheeks of the taller in front of him. Sooner he felt the sleepy-ness take over him and swept away into his own dream land, a land where everything was possible. Where being with First was possible.

The dawn sun had just rised up, the sky colors looked perfect. Like a canvas painting of a sunrise, the light red orange hues decorated the sky, water once again became still the colors reflecting on them, and he broke the silence "I told you . . . I'll find you, no matter where you are no matter how far you are, I'll always find you" and just like that little tears fell down form his slender eyes but he had a smile on his face. How could he have a smile on his face why did he have a smile on his face well that's because he was finnally holding his tung close in his arms, something he wished he did the moment he saw khao sad, but now is better then never. . . . . . even so how did First get to know where khaotung went?


First's father had forgot to take the fishes he catched back home, so he walked his way down to the patio to get them but when he reached the patio . . . The blue motar boat he uses for fishing was gone "WHAT DID SOMEONE STEAL MY BOAT" First's father was panicking, he went to look for khaotung to ask him if he saw any one pass by the window, but what he saw was a empty room, the door of his room was wide open. Night winds sweeping through making the books flips pages, it was bare, no trace of khaotung in the room "KHAOTUNG, LUK WHERE ARE YOU" First's father paced up and went to there room where his wife was sleeping already, he was trying to be clam but both his boat and Khaotung was missing.

"Rak,rak wake up, rak our boat is missing" she shaked his wife's body gently whisper shouting his words to her "mhmm" but she was still unbothered and drowsy "rak . . . khaotung is missing-" her eyes shot right open on hearing tung's name. Her body was upright and she looked straight into her husbands eyes "what do you mean, we saw him go to sleep" "I-I don't know, I went to get the fish then the boat was missing then I went to look for-" he was interrupted by her wife who was distressed knowing her son was missing, to her khaotung was like her second son "FIND KHAOTUNG HE WAS BLEEDING, HE WAS BURNING HOT". With that both ran to each corners of the house, searching endlessly for tung, the bathroom, the kitchen, patio, living room, even as far as the main road way, First's mom went to look in khaotung's car. He wasn't inside there either . . .but the car had a very big dent on the back, almost as if "DID KHAO CRASH THE CAR, TER COME HERE" her husband came running to his wife from area he was checking, standing there in utter shock when he saw the big dent on the back of khao's car, "this- this" "if . . . He's not in the room or not in the car that means" they both looked at each other, hoping what they thought wouldn't be true. . . . ."he's the one on the boat" both said so in unison, anxious and perturbed by the thought of khaotung being alone in a boat while we was STILL INJURED. "CALL FIRST TER, MAYBE HE KNOWS WHERE HE WENT" First's mom was seconds away from crying, the tension build inside her like heavy Rocks, she knew the promise she had kept with tung about not telling first but, how could she, when her son like child was missing, not to mention that she knew  how he got blood from and how tormented his face looked.

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