Set Sail . K9

188 13 14

Fuck where is he, it's been ages . . . it doesn't take THIS for him to came back. Did something happen shit did he trip down and hurt him self, my thoughts were raging in my head I couldn't focus on anything. Oh of course I couldn't KHAOTUNG IS NOT INFRONT OF ME. I should call him, hell maybe it's just all in head but still I need to know he's fine. I dial tung's phone it's show's Ringing but- *~ta ru yang ni, na ja rak gan ma dtang nan~*, my body flinches at hearing the ringtone. Not just any ringtone . . . . It was khaotung's ringtone- "fuck- he forgot his phone" the words slip loud out of my mouth, he- how the hell do I contact him now. "First what happened?, You look worried. Is everything alright" P'golf shot me a worried glance but I have no time I need to find him "I'm sorry ihavetogo sorrybye" I grab hold of everything including khao's phone and bust out.

Empty ...... The streets were scarly empty only the flashes of street lights decorate the roads. He ran everywhere, each and every corner to find him but nothing. Not even a sound could be heard, it scared him, it felt like he lost khaotung, his chest felt heavy nothing felt right, first ran back to the spot that there car . . . Should have been parked. It's gone "NO PLEASE NONONO KHAOTUNG WHERE DID YOU GO khaotung please, please be safe. I'll find you I won't go down with out a fight, wait for me please wait for me tung-"

Drowsy eyes trying to keep them open, vehicle still in full speed and a sting like pain in his head. Khaotung was half way there, after all it was 1hr drive from Bangkok to chonburi, his breathing had clam downed only because his head felt like getting hit by a brick, his wrist paining from the way it had been griped tight. To him his whole body felt sweaty and unbearable. Khaotung's eye kept closing and jointing open often, he couldn't see the roads properly and the headlights weren't helping in any case. The speed only kept increasing and if at this rate he didn't slow down he could crash the car......

The trucks loaded with heavy hefty material usually go at this time of night so they won't crash with any incoming vehicles passing on the road, while there aren't many shipments in the night due to no convenience of them, there was this one truck a huge truck carrying metal pipes and these baby's weren't just any metal pipes, Oh theses were tungsten pipes. One hit in the head are your a gonner, this same loaded truck was speeding it's way to the highway which in coincidentally khaotung was using. Both vehicles were coming in the utter most illegal speed they could have, the truck behind the car tung was in. Non of them knew that a vehicle would be behind or infont of them.

Khaotung was in his drowsy state, his eyes kept closing and foot on accelerator was slowly starting to lose its grip, the car was slowing down but the truck behind it never did, khaotung couldn't keep his focus anymore his mind was ready to enter the dream world, his whole body started to feel limp. He was tired already and all this driving did no him help. His eyes shut, hand loosely grasped on the steering wheel and the foot once on the accelerator was now resting somewhere in the area. . . The car was on full halt.

The truck driver was enjoying the beats on the radio, swinging his body not concentrating on the road like he should've, it was only when the music ended that he looked at the road and on the road was car. Not moving like it was dead there on the road. The man noticed the car and his whole body joilted, immediately trying to stop the truck in time "SHIAAAAAA" but before he could even step on the pedal, the truck came in full pace. THE TRUCK CRASHED THE BUNKER OF THE CAR, making some of the metal pipes clash down the road. The loud crash could be heard for miles away the and the car screeched being forced to move forward. Khaotungs body flew forward giving him no time to react, his head clashed right on the wheel, his heart rate beating faster in horror. The body was in shock getting pulled away by force landing on the seat again, khao's face was in terror. His head was leaking blood the pain was so gruesome the red fluid streamed down his cheekbones dripping on the neck but how was he to notice, he couldn't even register what happened. Head heavy he got out of the car stumbling upon because of the striking pain that hit him.

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