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5th Year - Feldcroft Catacomb

"I'm glad you're here. You need to get to Sebastian. He went into the catacomb with the new fifth's infested with inferi...I...I think Sebastian is controlling them with the Relic."

"Ominis...Calm down. I'll take care of everything, okay? Go to Anne."

Aelin Malfoy parted ways from Ominis and rushed into the Feldcroft Catacomb.

Upon reaching the Great Room, she saw him.

"Sebastian...." She approached him slowly.

"Aelin? Wha-"

"What are you doing here?" The new fifth-year student, Evangeline Ravenweld, looked at her in utter disgust.

Aelin ignored the girl. "Sebastian...listen to me...Put the relic down. This magic is dangerous. We'll find another way to cure Anne..."

Evangeline snorted. "Dangerous magic? That's rich coming from a Malfoy. You're practically born with dark magic in your blood."

Aelin gritted her teeth. "Not the time, Ravenweld..."

She took another step closer to Sebastian, cautiously.

"Seb...We can find another way. Please. " She held her hand out to him. "Come with me."

Sebastian looked conflicted.

"Don't listen to her, Sebastian. We both know this will cure Anne." Evangeline attempted to convince him.

He turned to Aelin again. "A...If there's a chance that this can cure Anne -"

Footsteps approached from the entrance of the Great Room.

"Boy! What have you done!?" Solomon Sallow stood at the entrance in shock.

Aelin turned to him. "Solomon, please. Just give us a moment."

"I should have known a Malfoy would be involved in all of this." He raised his wand at Sebastian. "Accio Relic."

The relic flew out of Sebastian's hands and into Solomon's. It was destroyed immediately.

The inferi started to attack. Solomon chose to attack the three students in the catacomb rather than the inferi.

"You're supposed to protect us!" Sebastian yelled to his uncle.

Aelin tried to help fight off the inferi. She took a hit to the shoulder and turned around to see that the hit was from Solomon.

Solomon turned his attention back to Sebastian. "You've gone too far, Sebastian! This family does not resort to using dark magic!"

"You may have given up on Anne, but I will not." Sebastian yelled. "I won't let her suffer. AVADA KEDAVRA!"

Aelin watched as Solomon's lifeless body dropped to the ground and Sebastian's wand fell from his hand.


The Undercroft - The Aftermath of the "Accident"

"What do you mean Anne wants to turn Sebastian in? Ominis...that's insane. He'll be sent to Azkaban."

Ominis sighed. "He killed their uncle, Aelin. With an unforgivable at that. Anne is furious with him. She believes he should face the consequences of his actions."

"She truly believes that her brother - her twin - the only family she has left...deserves to rot away in Azkaban? You need to talk to her about this, Ominis. This isn't a decision to be made lightly."

Aelin paced around the Undercroft, distress painted across her features.

"I will speak to her again. But I'm not sure she will change her mind." Ominis said with finality and departed from the Undercroft.


Transfiguration Courtyard - The Arrest

Aelin walked through the courtyard with Ominis and Sebastian at her side. They had to practically force Sebastian out of bed that day; the events of the accident that occurred a few days prior were still weighing heavy on him.

Professor Weasley and Headmaster Black flanked by two aurors approached the group.

"Mr. Sallow, these gentlemen would like a word."

Aelin's face paled. Had Anne truly turned Sebastian in?

One of the aurors spoke up. "Sebastian Sallow, you are under arrest for the murder of your uncle Solomon Sallow."

Both aurors moved forward to apprehend Sebastian, one of them rummaging through his robe pockets to take his wand.

Aelin panicked. She looked at Ominis who wore a blank expression.

"I thought you talked to Anne! Ominis, what happened?"

Ominis sighed. "I'm sorry, Aelin. But I couldn't convince Anne to reconsider. Her mind was made up."

Aelin looked to the aurors who were preparing to take Sebastian away.

"Wait! You can't take him!"

One of the aurors paused and looked in her direction with a raised eyebrow.

"And why is that?" They asked.

"Because Sebastian is innocent. He didn't kill Solomon Sallow. I did.

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