Occulta et Mendacium

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*Content warning: Ominis receives a letter from Marvolo that briefly mentions non-consensual sexual acts*

"Ominis...is there something you're not telling us?" Aelin asked.

"Yeah, Om...I can tell you're hiding something." Sebastian eyed him suspiciously.

"It's nothing." Ominis answered. "Nothing you need to concern yourselves with."

"If it has something to do with Marvolo, then we sure as fuck have to be concerned." Sebastian growled. "Don't forget the trouble he's already caused."

"Sebastian is right. If you've heard from Marvolo we need to know." Aelin added.

Ominis sighed heavily. "Fine."

He pulled a few letters from his cloak pocket and handed them to Sebastian.

Dearest Little Brother,

I must admit, I was surprised at the boldness of you and your little friends at our last meeting. But I assure you, you will not catch me off guard so easily again. Perhaps targeting Sallow didn't quite produce the effect I wanted it to.

Tell the princess I'm coming for her next.



Your words wound me. But perhaps I wasn't clear enough when we last spoke. Not only will I be taking Aelin Malfoy as my wife, but I am also quite interested in that shadow magic she used.

I look forward to seeing you all here for the holiday ball.

Until then, little brother.


"How many of these are there?" Sebastian asked.

"Those are just the most recent ones...And the least...graphic."

"How bad are the other ones?" Aelin asked.

Ominis grimaced. "They're bad..."

"How. Bad?" Sebastian pressed through gritted teeth.

"The one before those two...described what he planned to do with Aelin once he got his hands on her. It was...very specific...and I don't wish to repeat it." Ominis explained.

"I want to see it." Sebastian said darkly.

Ominis pulled another letter out of his cloak pocket and handed it to Sebastian.

As Sebastian read the letter, his eyes widened and he started to look a bit green.

"I'll kill that bastard...Next time I see him...I'm going to kill him."

"What does it say, Seb?" Aelin asked.

Sebastian quickly folded the letter. "You don't need to see it, Aelin."

Aelin narrowed her eyes. "Show me."

Sebastian paused and worked his jaw, but reluctantly handed the folded paper to her.


Little Brother,

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