Vigilamus ab Umbris...

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"Malfoy! Time to go."

Her cell opened and an auror entered. She believed his name was Henry; not that it mattered. She lifted her head to glare at him and was roughly pulled her to her feet and led her out into the dark and dreary corridor. "Malfoy brat. Must be nice to have such a name attached to you. Anyone else would have been here for life." He grumbled.

Aelin didn't react.

The auror dragged her out to a holding area, where she was met by a familiar face. "Miss Malfoy, it is a pleasure to see you again. I've come to take you back to Hogwarts for your final year." Professor Weasley smiled cautiously at her.

Hogwarts? They're allowing someone who just spent over a year in Azkaban to return to Hogwarts?

"Your activities and academics will be closely monitored by Professor Sharp. Your first few months will be considered a probationary period. Any incidents will land you back here. Is that understood?"

Aelin simply looked at the woman and nodded sharply.


She was permitted to get cleaned up and changed into a Slytherin school uniform before she was released into Professor Weasley's custody.

Once she was ready, Professor Weasley took her arm and apparated them just outside of the Hogwarts grounds.

"We will get you settled into your dormitory, then go meet up with Professor Sharp."

Aelin's expression was blank, which made the professor look at her in concern. "Why did you do it, Miss Malfoy?"

Aelin looked up at her; emotionless. "I'm sorry?"

"Why did you take the fall for Mr. Sallow?"

How does she know?

Aelin's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "How do you kno-"

"I'm aware of a lot of things that no one knows about, dear."

"I figured that I could use my family name to get a lesser sentence. Had Sebastian been sent to Azkaban, he'd be stuck there for life." Her voice was flat; void of all emotion.

Weasley nodded her head. "That's very...noble of you, I suppose. And it did work out exactly as you believed." She hesitated for a moment before she resumed speaking. "But did you consider the mental and emotional consequences of your actions?"

Aelin scowled. "The choice I made was my own. I did it to protect someone dear to me. I don't care what it costs me."

She continued walking with the professor in silence, and they eventually made their way to the Slytherin Common room. "I was advised by Professor Sharp to give you your own room, however Miss Reyes and Miss Sallow insisted that you return to your shared room with them."

Aelin froze. "Did you say 'Miss Sallow'?"

The older woman smiled at her. "Yes. She has returned this year as well. St. Mungos was able to get her illness under control."

Aelin's expression changed to something between disbelief and disgust. When Weasley noticed this, she frowned. "Is there something wrong, Miss Malfoy?"

"Nothing at all, Professor." She mumbled.

The professor shook her head, but did not question it further. She led Aelin to her old dorm room and knocked on the door.

The door flew open to reveal an irritated looking Imelda Reyes. She had always been one of Aelin's closest friends at Hogwarts. Once she realized who was at the door, the girl smiled. "Malfoy! You're back! About bloody time!"

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