In Facie Mali

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The day Aelin was dreading had finally arrived. She would be attending the Gaunt's holiday party with Sebastian and Ominis that evening in exchange for Anne's return, in accordance with Marvolo's negotiations.

She walked to the trunk at the foot of her bed and pulled out the dress she decided she would wear. It was a fairly simple black dress, chosen with the expectation of not leaving Gaunt Manor without a fight. The slit up the side of the dress would enable her to flee from Marvolo effortlessly if needed. It also granted her easy access to her wand, which would be holstered to her thigh.

She was feeling fairly optimistic about the impending confrontation with Marvolo. Ominis and Sebastian made it clear that they would not allow her or Anne to be used as bargaining chips. Marvolo's most recent letter simply stated that Aelin must attend the soiree at Gaunt Manor. He never said she had to pay him even an ounce of attention.

However, Ominis feared that Aelin blatantly ignoring Marvolo would just anger him more and he would be more inclined to harm Anne. So Aelin agreed that she would be cordial with Marvolo, but would not go out of her way to be friendly. Sebastian agreed that was the best plan of action.

She heard the boys arguing outside of her room, and walked over to swing the door open.

"You two have already started, I see." She chuckled.

Ominis sighed. "Sebastian is trying to convince me that we should try to outsmart Marvolo tonight. I think it's too risky. We should just focus on getting Anne back, and then we can regroup in the days after and think of a way to ensure it doesn't happen again."

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "But Marvolo wouldn't be expecting us to pull anything tonight. He knows we just want Anne back. It could work. What do you think, Aelin?"

"Seb, you know you're my very best friend and I just adore you, right?"

Sebastian smirked. "I sure do."

Aelin cocked a brow at him. "I agree with Ominis. It's too risky. We can't forget that Evangeline will be there too. Maybe Marvolo won't take any action against us to save face in front of all of his father's prestigious friends, but he could easily get Evangeline to take action for him. You know how hard he is to outsmart, Seb."

Sebastian grumbled. "I know, I know."

Aelin let out a laugh and ruffled his hair. "You're so much smarter than him, my brave, intelligent, darling Sebastian. But you know we have to tread carefully."

Sebastian practically purred when he felt Aelin's hand in his hair, and Ominis hummed in amusement.

"You know, Aelin. I don't think I've ever told you how happy I am that you're back. Someone around here has to tame this beast." Ominis said, nodding his head toward Sebastian, who, in turn, growled at him.

"Down, boy." Aelin chuckled.

Sebastian glared at Ominis and scoffed. "I wasn't that bad while Aelin was gone."

"You were miserable, Sebastian. Anne and I never knew what we'd be dealing with. The sad, mopey version of you, or the version that wanted to bite our heads off."

"Oh, I'm sure that's not true. I'm sure you were a delight, Seb." Aelin teased.

"I'm always a delight." Sebastian pouted.

"Of course you are."

"Are you two about finished?" Ominis asked.

Aelin laughed. "Sorry, Ominis. We should get going, yes?"

With that, the three friends made their way to the entrance of the castle, where a carriage would be waiting to whisk them off to Gaunt Manor.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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