Iacta Alea Est

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{ | Author's Note |}

Aelin reported to the potions classroom early the next morning and was, as expected, confronted by Professor Sharp for leaving the castle grounds the night before.

"Miss Malfoy, I'm sure you know what I'm going to say."

She sighed. "I'm sorry, Professor. I totally forgot and I just needed to get some things off of my mind so I walked to the lake. But then I ran into Garreth and he made me go to the Three Broomsticks with him. I couldn't think of a reason to tell him why I wasn't supposed to be outside of the castle."

"I will let it slide this once. But if it happens again, I will have to report it to the Ministry. A week of detention should be proper punishment for now." Professor Sharp shook his head in disappointment.

"Thank you. It won't happen again."

He motioned for her to take a seat as the other students started piling into the classroom. She would normally have shared a station with Ominis and Sebastian but since finding out that she was nothing to the latter, she quickly decided against it.

She walked over to whisper her apologies to Ominis and swiftly turned to another station occupied by Garreth Weasley.

When she looked back up, she watched as Sebastian and Ominis appeared to argue. Once they were through, Sebastian worked his jaw and glared over at her. She spun her head around to greet Garreth.

"Good Morning, Garreth. I'm hoping you don't mind if I work with you today?"

"Not at all, Aelin." He looked over at her with a bright smile.

The two went to work on brewing the Felix Felicis potion that Sharp assigned them. Garreth started chopping murtlap tentacles while Aelin ground up some occamy eggshells.

"I'm going to run over to the supply closet to grab the Ashwinder eggs. Is there anything else we're missing? Garreth asked.

"No, I think that's all that we need for now."

After a few minutes passed and Garreth hadn't returned, Aelin looked up and glanced over at the supply closet. She could see clearly inside from the angle she was sitting at. Sebastian had his fist bunched up in the front of Garreth's shirt and appeared to be angrily whispering something to him.

So much for avoiding Sebastian...

She stood up from her seat and stormed over to the supply closet. "What are you two doing?"

Both of them looked up at her with wide eyes. "Sallow here was just telling me that I needed to stay away from you."

Aelin reached in and pried Sebastian's hand off of Garreth. "Garreth, go back to our station."


"I don't want to hear it." He sauntered past her and headed back to his own station.


"So, I hear you had a little confrontation with our dear Sebastian in the supply closet." Ominis walked up behind her as she exited the potions classroom..

Aelin sighed. "He told you about that?"

"He did. He heavily implied that he was unhappy seeing you working with Weasley."

"Well, he really doesn't have the right to be angry. He and I aren't even friends anymore."

"I think he needs time. He obviously still feels something for you or he wouldn't have confronted Weasley like that."

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