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Chan Yeol: You think I will believe that?
Baek Hyun: I can't believe you too, Hana...
Hana: Huh? But you were my brother!
Kai: Yah! You guys!
D.O: Kai!
Kai: Mwo? Wae yo?
D.O: That kitten likes you...(pointing at the kitten)
Kai: Huh? Yeah, I feel like that too...(looking at the kitten gentle)
Hana: Just quickly send it home...(worried about that kitten)I mean sent it to my house...(worry whether the kitten was starving) here was the keys...
EXO: Are you just handed those keys easily to a guy?(shocked)
Hana: Well, I properly believe Kai...(as nothing happen...)
Baek Hyun: But he was a guy too, my poor little sister.(hugged Hana tidely)
Hana: Then, you wanted the headmaster to blacklist my name? I seriously came to school early than before...(thinking the last few day that she late for school...)
Baek Hyun: Fine...(then he gave a sharp look at Kai...)
Kai: What?!( calm down ,hyung!)


Wow, Baek Hyun doesn't believe me? Hyung-nim...did I do any wrong thing? Hana was just gonna hand me those keys to take the kitten back to her house... but Hana just says the word 'believe' ... Yah , why did a girl that just met me for few days believe me but not my hyung-nim...ありがとうございまた ,jingjja kamsahamida you guys...

Translet: ありがとうございまた= arigatou gozaimashita(thats mean thank you in Japanese)

Suho: Enough, you guys... just forgave Hana, okay?
EXO except Kai: Of cause ,Appa!!
Suho: Yah ,stop calling me 'appa' !!!
EXO : Yes ,Appa!!
Suho: Yah!!!!

Every student look at Suho...

Suho: Sorry...sorry...
Chan Yeol: Well, Kai...
Kai: What?
Chan Yeol: I wanted to go with you!!( •̀∀•́ )
Kai: Ehh???! Okay fine, let's go!^^
Baek Hyun: I will go too! Since that was my sister house...
D.O: Then I will go too...since Kai was my bestfriend ,and I worried about him...(KAISOO exist!!)
Suho: Then I will go too,because 'troblemaker' was there...
Lay: I will go too...
Chen: Me too! I just scared to let Lay begin alone around ,then suddenly he will missing because he gonna be sleeply anytime...
Xiu Min: It is make sense if I go,right? I am gonna protect Chen!


Hana: Hey, my house were really that kind of fun or huge to make all of EXO's members go?
EXO: Uh... ...but Sehun didn't say he wanted to go...
Sehun: Yah!
Hana: Whatever... Just do anything you want... just don't mess the house...
Chan Yeol: I am gonna do some prank...
The other members: Chan Yeol!!!
Hana: If you really do that,then I will punish you...O(∩_∩)O

Okay...silent for a while...

Suho: I will make sure my kids didn't do that, Miss Hana!
Hana: Yup , of cause...if you say so...

Haha,then EXO exactly run as fast as their legs can leave their body behind...

Hana POV

Well, EXO look cute sometimes...exspecially Kai... I actually saw him blushing just now...but what cause he blushing? Or that was all sunlight's works? To makes Kai's face seem a little pink? Hahaha... WAIT!! Am I just saying he was cute? Hey Byun Hana! WAKE UP!!! An idol cannot have a relation ship with a normal girl like me!! Forget about it,Hana...Wake up pls,but I really have some feeling to him...UHH!! HANA REMEMBER: IT IS FORBIDDEN!!! It's the fact idol can't have relationship with normal girl!

Author: YUP, it is...Hana...~T_T~


Well,here we go was Hana's house look...Clean? Messy? Huge perhaps? Wait wait wait...Kai! Why did you began so excited? You will just sent the kitten to the house then go back to the school...I guess... hrm... perhaps I am falling in love with her? No, can't!! You will cause your own dreams destroy forever...wake up before too late ,Kai... Uhh! The curious things ever! How I gonna choose... Love or dreams...

Kyung Soo POV

Hrm...Kai seems weird... What was he thinking? He looks curious...'Hey Kai! What were you thinking?' I ask just straight to the point. But he answer me ' It's nothing' ...He lied... But why... wait...was he thinking what I'm thinking? Was he falling in love? He looks exactly likes someone fall in love... and his face was blushing since...HANA SAYS 'I LOVE YOU! KAI!' Yah! Kai...telling me thats wasn't true... were you falling to Hana?

Suho POV

KAISOO were really weird... Kai was blushing since the moment Hana saying she love Kai... Kyung Soo was looking at Kai as he wanted to eat him! What's going on with them? 'Hey you guys...we were here...' uhh!! Great, Suho... You say the wrong sentences... Well, perhaps I worried too much...I guess...

Chan Yeol: Oh yeah! I finally gonna do my pranks!!
Baek Hyun: Yah!! This was my younger sister's house! Don't dare you, Channie~
D.O: Does the kitten okay?
Kai: Yeah ,as fine as it could... it slept...Ohh, I felt my tummy was hungry...
D.O: Haha, I will make some breakfast for you guys, if there was ingredients...
EXO: We love you, Kyung Soo-sshi...
D.O: Haha!~\(≧▽≦)/~


Sehun: And tidy...
Baek Hyun: I will seriously stop Chan Yeol for making the place messy...
Chan Yeol: I wouldn't do that except someone were going to force me to do that...(pointing at Chen)
Xiu Min: Yah!!! Who were you pointing at,huh???
Chan Yeol: Miannae ,hyung-nim...
Chen: I promise I wouldn't do that...
Baek Hyun: That's good! You can started your cooks work, D.O...
D.O: HUH? Okay! Here we go again,Kyung Soo...
Kai: I will help!
D.O: Okay then...


Kyung Soo POV

Yup, now was the good timing, Kyung Soo...'Kai! Do you like Hana?' yeah...straight to the point...BUT...Kai just answer me 'Yes, I did...How do you know?'
what??! Yah!! Kai were you realized what you answer me? Kyung Soo-ah... what you gonna do right now? Kai wasn't kidding... He really likes Hana...
' Are you crazy?! Your dreams will all destroy by your childish think...' I just say the words that will made Kai really angry...ready for died Kyung Soo...


'Are you crazy?! Your dreams will all destroy by your childish think...' D.O say that... yeah, he was exactly right! But... Hana... I really like her...Nan eotokkea? Noona neo eodisseo? I realized everything that I said may cause my future destroy. But Hana……But my dreams...…okay I will choose-...…?!

Haha!! What you think Kai gonna choose? His dreams? Or Hana?? Hehe...find out in next chapter!!
Byun Hana hope you like it!

Hana: YAH!!!! Author! I hates cat!!!

Author: But it is a kitten
(๑• . •๑)...

Hana: I hates their kids too!!!

Author: Ouch...that hurt.. meow... ( •̀∀•́ )

Hana: Stop doing their sound!

hahaha..just my imagine...XXD

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